Thought I'd put a thread up for my latest project. I bought it back in february, off eBay, paid alot of money for it, its a 1979 austin pickup, or whats left of it Its actually ex royal navy, so was built in 1979 but not registered until 1988, and has been off the road since 1991. The story goes was that it was being restored and all the original parts, engine, interior, trim, etc was stored in a camping trailer which was stolen. My plans for it are not original, its never going to be original, its had alot of panels replaced and there not really much factory bits left in it at all. I'm going to be putting my k series engine from my mk3 into it instead, should be a bit faster than the 850cc engine's performance
It going to be very tight to get it done tho, aiming for the riveria run at the start of May for a deadline haha..
When we picked it up..
Into storage..
Moving them about..
Bit of work today, got it all stripped down to a bare shell..