3D Printed Ducting To Replace The Flexible Pipe And Tidy Up The Interior On The Classic Rover Mini. Love The New Look.
Posted 21 August 2019 - 06:57 PM
Posted 21 August 2019 - 07:47 PM
I have put them up free on https://www.thingiverse.com/ for anyone to download and use.
I try to add imgur bbcodes but get a 'you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community' message. Let me try again... nope.
You need to use this
BBCode (message boards & forums)
Then try and add your pictures.
Posted 22 August 2019 - 06:10 PM
I've been toying with the idea of getting a 3d printer. Out of interest, what machine are you using?
Posted 22 August 2019 - 09:35 PM
Im looking at getting a creality cr-10s pro for home, they are all essentially the same these days, if you are going to buy get one with a warrenty thats the main thing.
Posted 25 August 2019 - 08:08 AM
Posted 25 August 2019 - 01:29 PM
It would be interesting to see how the costs of buying a 3D printer compare against outsourcing to one of those 3D printing companies. I terms of both price & quality for one off parts every now and again
you could check shapeways for prices. They offer many different types of prints/materials
Posted 26 August 2019 - 11:46 AM
Nice work, My mate made these for me for the fresh air pipe on the heater.
Where is the STL for these? I LOVE THIS
Posted 26 August 2019 - 12:08 PM
you could check shapeways for prices. They offer many different types of prints/materials
It would be interesting to see how the costs of buying a 3D printer compare against outsourcing to one of those 3D printing companies. I terms of both price & quality for one off parts every now and again
We could have a TMF version of Shapeways. For example the OP could use their new printer to make other parts for TMF users and help finance their investment. We could even have a cad library of parts ready to print as long as the intellectual property holder makes them open source
Posted 26 August 2019 - 06:44 PM
you could check shapeways for prices. They offer many different types of prints/materialsIt would be interesting to see how the costs of buying a 3D printer compare against outsourcing to one of those 3D printing companies. I terms of both price & quality for one off parts every now and again
We could have a TMF version of Shapeways. For example the OP could use their new printer to make other parts for TMF users and help finance their investment. We could even have a cad library of parts ready to print as long as the intellectual property holder makes them open source
Ive been thinking about this, 2 issues are: 1,i need to get an idea of demand. 2, the quality of the printed parts will be lower than the average consumer us used to reciving, rough edges, print anomalies etc. and im guessing the issues with people not being pleased with their pring becoming more trouble than its worth.
My plan ove the next few months will be to set up a printer at home and take requests at cost, get feedback and see if theres room for it to grow into somthing bigger ;)
Posted 27 August 2019 - 07:49 AM
Having done a bit of 3d printing I agree with the above,
with the cheaper FDM printers that work by squirting out hot plasic and building layer on layer, quality/ surface finish will usually be an concern, to an extent you can fettle to finish but it ca be time consuming etc etc, that said my printer was 120quid (anet A8), and although ive done quite a few mods to it now to get print speed up, it was pretty cabpable froom the outset.
If you want somthing that looks good you need to be looking at SLS machines, soo not your average cheap printer, i think the cheapest SLS machine i could find ways around 1k second hand.
Also you need to consider materials, general PLA is fine for doing somthing for checking dimensions etc, but its not good with heat, and somthing like a heater vent may well distort, theres higher temp PLA's ( not tryed them) Nylon ( needs to be kept in a drybox so stop it sucking water out the air), ABS ( pongs a fair bit) PET( same material as drinks bottles, looks promising, not sure on temp range tho.)
Posted 13 September 2019 - 09:19 AM
In a previous job I even reverse engineered a 7.5 cooper caliper and printed it in titanium ?
If you want to find my files they are on grabcad.
More than happy to upload more or if there's a tmf account somewhere I can send them to the owner?
Posted 10 December 2020 - 01:37 PM
Nice work, My mate made these for me for the fresh air pipe on the heater.
Where is the STL for these? I LOVE THIS
Would you care to share these files so we can add them to the 3D printable parts library (https://www.theminif...ed-designs/) ?
Posted 11 December 2020 - 09:51 PM
Awesome, thanks for making this available!
Posted 12 January 2021 - 07:04 PM
Edited by mini-geek, 12 January 2021 - 07:09 PM.
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