Sorry for the lack of updates, my package got lost in Samoa...
Anyway while I'm waiting for that to come thru I read up on Tuning the A Series and I think I've decided on a 9,6:1 compression ratio since I'd worry about my engine overheating with a CR anymore close to 10. I don't know first hand how much of a factor overheating becomes with such little increments but I don't want another overheating cooper S lookalike mini, feel free to correct me.
Anyway, I used the calculator and got the following results
I'm assuming my piston deck height to be 10 since to my understanding the only way to measure it is removing the head and measuring with a digital dial, is there a standard measurement for stock 998s or does this value need to be measured due to factory differences and recess over time?
In that case I guess it's time I cracked that engine open, can I get an accurate mesurament with a caliper?
Once I get the piston deck height confirmed I can confirm if the final chamber volume of the 12g295 has to be 19ccs.
Cheers! And can't wait for that packet to arrive!
Edited by Echan42, 28 August 2019 - 09:28 PM.