Yes i was a bit unclear on that one. The electrical sender unit works as follows:
On average, it pulls a current from the gauge to the chassis proportionnal to the oil pressure basically. It's not exactly like that because it works based on thermal Time constants but it's a good model to explain what happens.
So on the back of the sender unit, there is a single plug : the one that goes to the gauge.
The ground connexion is made through the body of the sender unit, normally in contact with the block.
But in my particular case, since my sandwidch plate has an oil seal towards the oil filter head, the electrical contact of the sender unit can not bé made to the ground.
So i added a washer with a connexion to the ground so that The body of The sender unit is effectively grounded. The term electrical washer os probably not the right one in english. It's basically a round connector if you wish.
Hope this helps!
Edited by Benoit_Dupont, 21 September 2019 - 06:54 PM.