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Honda B16 Conversion Rescue Attempt

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#31 paulpizza


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Posted 10 October 2023 - 07:45 PM

Wellllll..... 4 years since I last posted on here. A lot has happened in those years around the world and in my personal life, But 1 constant has been this mini build sitting waiting to be finished. So Its time to start the thread again and work on the car over the winter and hopefully have it on the track for spring/summer. Some progress has happened in the 4 years, the shell now sits painted waiting for the assembly to begin. I will start uploading pics and updates in the coming days and the car will feature on my YouTube channel (6) Identity Car Care - YouTube for anyone wanting to follow and no doubt I'll be asking for a lot of advice in the coming months but I'll explain why in the up coming pics 

#32 paulpizza


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Posted 30 October 2023 - 10:09 AM

So this is where the problem has been laying all this time, Waiting for a front subframe to be built as my brother in law didn't like the current one that came with the car. Unfortunately he no longer runs his business and the car has retuned home to me. Since the last time i posted there has been a lot happened in the world covid etc and I've actually retrained myself and became a time served mechanic, All be it repairing cars and building them from scratch is worlds apart.  However with the knowledge I do have and the determination to finish this car will need to be enough to get the car done. One of the biggest changes since I last posted on here was the death of my father and I promised that this car would be finished and not sold on so the time is now to fulfill my promise. I'm at a crossroads with the car just now and my options are


1. Try and make use of all the parts I have and get the car built, (Would need to work out where frame bolts at bottom of shell and fabricate something)

2. Change direction and buy a different subframe - which would require different rear frame to match and change front hubs, shafts, arms etc 

3. Try find Watsons Rally front frame 

4. Keep this front frame but change to metro front arms etc that was recommended to be earlier in this thread


I have a healthy budget to work with the car and ideally bolt on parts would be best to get the car moving forward at a decent pace. As i now don't have a decent fabricator in my contact list I really want to limit the need for one. 


Anyway let me know your thought please. I'll attach some more pics of where the cars currently at  

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#33 paulpizza


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Posted 01 November 2023 - 01:16 PM

So just an update on whats happened in the time I haven't been posting, The rear turrets were welded in and then car was rubbed down to get ready for paint. before this all hot work had to be finished to a rear mounting bar was made for the fuel cell that I'll speak about in later posts. During covid as i was off on furlough I bought all the paint materials to paint the car myself, however i was put onto someone who was out of work and worked in a body shop so i paid him to prep the car and get it sitting on highbuild primer which I'll show in the coming days 

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#34 paulpizza


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Posted 01 November 2023 - 01:17 PM

You'll also see the fuel filler cap has been relocated higher up to accommodate the fuel cell being made

#35 fokko


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Posted 01 November 2023 - 03:28 PM

Very impressive work done, keep up the good job  :thumbsup:

#36 paulpizza


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Posted 08 November 2023 - 06:20 PM

Time for some high build primer and get this pushed onto paint 

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#37 bpirie1000


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Posted 08 November 2023 - 06:27 PM

Any progress is good progress, keep it up.

#38 paulpizza


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Posted 12 November 2023 - 12:40 PM

So this is the steering wheel that came with the car on a steering column that didn't do the job so we robbed one from a corsa (I'm sure it was) apparently this is what most fabricators use for rally builds and gives us the option to add power steering which I know might spoil the character a bit but we'll cross that bridge later. Not sure if this steering wheel is off a cart of some sort but we've made it detachable so I can walk around like twinkie from tokyo drift with my steering wheel clipped to my back pack lol  :lol:  

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#39 Painter man

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Posted 29 November 2023 - 08:51 PM

Hi there I have just finished building a b18 for my pal it will be on show at Bingley hall In January on the fast lad stand pop and see us we will be able to help you out with problems

#40 paulpizza


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Posted 05 December 2023 - 04:49 PM

Unfortunately I've to many things already planned in January to make the stretch down to Birmingham. Defo up for some pointers thought as it is about to hit a difficult stage or 10. I'll be uploading the progress to my youtube channel with the first episode due in next 2 weeks which people will be able to follower and slate me in the comments  :lol: https://www.youtube....ntitycarcare477 is the channel..... work in progress 

#41 paulpizza


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Posted 14 December 2023 - 11:36 AM

First episode went on the channel yesterday https://youtu.be/4E8...Iq9H9fhkMwAz536 is the link for anyone wanting to follow the project. I will still be uploading to this thread and showing all the issue along the way in more depth.

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#42 paulpizza


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Posted 15 December 2023 - 09:40 AM

Cars Now been taken down to my mates for paint. I went with Milano red just to stick with the Honda theme, The doors and boot were sprayed as well but I've left the front end for now as its not been test fitted yet and will need some adjustments no doubt 

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#43 thelegg


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Posted 19 December 2023 - 07:45 PM

Will Definitely give it a watch :)

#44 coopertaz


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Posted 20 December 2023 - 10:52 AM

going to be an impressive bit of kit when finished, keep up the good work

#45 paulpizza


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Posted 02 February 2024 - 07:56 PM

Going back to my subframe issues of the past. As I don't have the leg things that were made for the subframe anymore I decided to mock the subframe back up and welded box section in to give a solid fix for the subframe onto the chassis similar to othe style frames that are made. Once this was done I fitted the suspension back on and took notes of what parts need replacing such as ball jionts etc.

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