Hi all
Just seen this thread, have a similar problem myself.
Have a 1998 cooper, fully restored by previous owner.
Drove across London last Friday, all good, went to the garden centre round the corner and there was steam coming out from under the bonnet! Left it and spoke to the prev owner, who said he'd had no problems but to let it cool then run for 10 mins to see if there are any leaks. Did that, added coolant no leaks, all good. Drove back across London on Thursday (an hour) all good.
Then today, Saturday drove my 2 sons to meet family, 30 mins journey, all good, but steam from under bonnet on way home. Pulled over, lots of coolant in road, realised expansion tank was empty, topped up once cooled a bit, ran again, no leaks seen anywhere, drove home, 10 mins. Steam coming out again. She's now parked up fine but I've no idea what's going on! No leaks, radiator is new but coolant boiling over, a blockage somewhere?
Sorry for long winded version, but thought some back ground needed. Probably a simple-ish answer from someone who knows what they are talking about, but a worry for me. I'm hoping it' just a expansion vessel cap as mentioned above, as all else seems good. MY son's girlfriend's dad seems to think it might be head gasket! Don't like the sound of that!!
Thanks in advance
Hey Jaffa Cake (great name by the way )
Sorry, only just seen your post. Have you managed to sort this now? I would try the cap and tank first as they are the least expensive parts. Biggest problem is that when you havent built the engine yourself, its difficult to know whats been installed and to what quality the work that has been done :/