I've been trying to find a diagram of the fuse box fitted to my '96 Rover SPI. It's got 24 fuses but any of the numbering systems I have come across bear no relation to the layout of mine. I'm not sure if this photo shows. If it does, the third from the bottom on the left (empty) is a 15 and the silver-dotted one at the lower right is a 10. (Both have blown) Actually, the photo is turned to the left so you're looking at it sideways. As I said, no numbering system I have seen give this sequence: (Going from left to right when viewed in the car) 1-15, 2-15, 3-15, 4-15, 5-15, 6-15, 7-10, 8-15, 9-10, 10-10, 11-15, 12-10, 13- 10, 14-10, 15-20, 16-10, 17-20, 18-15, 19 -10, 20-10, 21-10, 22-10, 23-10, 24-10.
I hope I haven't made this too confusing. The car runs fine but I went looking for a blown fuse after the radio quit and found 2 blown. I have no idea which one deals with which in the car.