If only it was just the reg. But what's actually happened is the result of a pretty bizarre mechanical design that's almost guaranteed to rapidly fail. Here are some pictures, and I'll try to explain what I'm seeing.
Edit: These notes relate to a TudorCarParts brand "Dynamator" C39/C40 like this: https://tudorcarpart...ynamator-c39-40
Firstly, on the back of the Dynamator, there's a threaded collar and, inside the collar, is a slotted round shaft which rotates with the armature. I.e. it's some kind of PTO. But there's a plastic cover over it which I've never looked under before. Presumably, on the original C39/C40 there is something driven by this output? Otherwise, this little PTO shaft is absolutely pointless. And, if it wasn't present, my Dynamator would still be working.
Here's a picture of the shaft, which runs in a plain bearing in the backplate. It's already badly worn on the bearing faces. The small slotted end is the "output". The big slotted end fits onto the end of the armature, after the slip-rings, where there is a flat-sided end which fits into the big slot.
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This PTO's bearing sleeve is separate from the main armature bearings. The sleeve is very short, so the PTO shaft is not properly held in place true to the axis of the main armature. And there's nothing to centre the shaft onto the end of the armature shaft / slip-ring axle. You can see the PTO hasn't engaged centrally on the flatted end on the armature: the wear marks (which are huge) are waaay off-centre.
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Which means that the armature, and the end of the slip-rings, have been rotating about different centres. End result is the armature fatigues and snaps at the bottom of the slip-rings.
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Game over. TudorCarParts-Dynamator has scored 2,500 points/miles and survived just six months of gameplay. TudorCarParts-Dynamator has not made it onto the leaderboard. Would you like to spend £189.95 to play again?
Edited by alpder, 01 September 2024 - 10:38 AM.