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Bangers & Cash - 8Pm, 18Th April - Yesterday Tv

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#1 mab01uk


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Posted 14 April 2019 - 09:47 AM

New TV series of 10 episodes “Bangers and Cash” premiered Thursday 18th April 2019 on the Yesterday channel at 8pm.
It follows Mathewson's auctioneers in North Yorkshire; the first episode features the derelict Cooper S’ DPY160C which sold at auction recently for £20,000



Preview on FB: https://m.facebook.c...69151105889&_rd





"Believe it or not, one of the most exciting finds in the whole series is a decrepit old carcass of a car, crammed with old squash bottles and draped in dust in a garage. But this is a true diamond in the rust, because it just happens to be a bona fide Mini Cooper S. Which, as any classic car buff will tell know, is one of the rarest and most sought-after motors in British history.

A souped-up, super-duper spin-off of the original Mini Cooper, this is pure Swinging Sixties cool on four wheels. It won the Monte Carlo Rally on multiple occasions, and Mick Jagger was just one of the celebrity owners of this legendary model. Indeed, the speed and nimbleness of the Mini Cooper S also made it a hit with the British police, who used it as a plainclothes vehicle. You can see why the Mathewsons are just a tad excited when they stumble across this piece of history..."


Edited by mab01uk, 01 May 2022 - 01:49 PM.

#2 spraybeater


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Posted 15 April 2019 - 07:22 PM

New TV series of 10 episodes “Bangers and Cash” premieres this Thursday 18th April on Yesterday channel at 8pm.
It follows Mathewson's auctioneers in North Yorkshire; the first episode features the derelict Cooper S’ DPY160C which sold at auction recently for £20,000



Preview on FB: https://m.facebook.c...69151105889&_rd





"Believe it or not, one of the most exciting finds in the whole series is a decrepit old carcass of a car, crammed with old squash bottles and draped in dust in a garage. But this is a true diamond in the rust, because it just happens to be a bona fide Mini Cooper S. Which, as any classic car buff will tell know, is one of the rarest and most sought-after motors in British history.

A souped-up, super-duper spin-off of the original Mini Cooper, this is pure Swinging Sixties cool on four wheels. It won the Monte Carlo Rally on multiple occasions, and Mick Jagger was just one of the celebrity owners of this legendary model. Indeed, the speed and nimbleness of the Mini Cooper S also made it a hit with the British police, who used it as a plainclothes vehicle. You can see why the Mathewsons are just a tad excited when they stumble across this piece of history..."


Looking forward to watching this! I spent a few hours at the sale when they were filming, wonder

how much they will actually show.

#3 mister bridger

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Posted 16 April 2019 - 04:19 PM

I bought my old Thames Camper from there around the time they were filming. As it had sat there for quite a while I'm hoping to spot it in the background!

#4 mister bridger

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Posted 19 April 2019 - 08:20 AM

Well I thought the programme was pretty good really, and not just because I did indeed catch a glimpse of my Dormobile. No histrionics or false deadlines, and that Mini certainly was rusty! Gives us all hope if that can be restored (hopefully not just re-shelled)

#5 Dan the Van

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Posted 19 April 2019 - 09:09 AM

I thought the shell looked saveable to be honest.Obvs a major resto but a great project.I wonder how the buyer's getting on.

#6 Cooperman


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Posted 19 April 2019 - 09:10 AM

The most likely scenario is that it will be re-shelled into a donor Mk.1 shell.

However, with a jig that shell could be rebuilt, although virtually every panel would be new. I have a friend who has the right jig and I guess it would cost around £6000 plus paint. Alternatively, a new Heritage shell could be used although the cost would be very high.

#7 Mumbles Boy

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Posted 19 April 2019 - 05:20 PM

Hi, I am the producer of B&C and thank you for the kind comments about the show, no ‘histrionics of false deadlines’ - I cannot imagine what you mean We are trying to make an authentic show that’s true to car people as well as the cars.
We will be following up on the Mk 1 and I know it is going to be very well restored, but it is going to take a long time.
It’s early days for the series as last night was ep 1 of 10 and the channel need to see how series 1 goes- but the follow up will be in a ‘special’ with no transmission date as yet.
Mr Bridger - Was the Thames Camper regency red with a white flash? It was class.

#8 MatthewsDad


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Posted 19 April 2019 - 05:23 PM

I really enjoyed watching it. It was straightforward and no nonsense unlike some other classic car TV shows.

Edited by MatthewsDad, 21 April 2019 - 06:22 AM.

#9 KTS


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Posted 19 April 2019 - 06:04 PM

very entertaining. Look forward to catching up with the Mathewson's again in the next episode

#10 mister bridger

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Posted 20 April 2019 - 03:12 PM

Mr Bridger - Was the Thames Camper regency red with a white flash? It was class.

Yes that's the one. Now fully restored and colours reversed - cream with a red flash. And on the cover of this month's Classic Van and Pickup magazine

#11 panky


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Posted 20 April 2019 - 09:49 PM

We likes a nice camper :mrcool:

#12 Mumbles Boy

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Posted 21 April 2019 - 10:23 PM

Mr Bridger - Was the Thames Camper regency red with a white flash? It was class.

Yes that's the one. Now fully restored and colours reversed - cream with a red flash. And on the cover of this month's Classic Van and Pickup magazine

Just seen - great job, really nice, and colour swop looks superb.
There is a mini pickup barn find in coming up in next weeks auction. It will hopefully feature in a later show.

#13 65Surf1275S


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Posted 22 April 2019 - 08:45 AM

I'm currently restoring an almost identical 65 Surf Blue/OEW S, which was as bad as this one, if not worse in some areas, having been off the road in a (in more recent years) leaky shed, since 1973.


I have not re-shelled it but replaced many panels instead. Some people may say to replace this many panels is a re-shell...but it is not. It's been hard work but 14 months of evenings and weekends and the shell is almost ready for the paint prep stage.


To re-shell that car would make it just another re-shelled S. The Heritage shell is now pretty good but is not a substitution for the original S shell.


I'm hoping the new owner finds a good restorer and saves the original shell. It will make the rescue so much more interesting.

#14 Cooperman


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Posted 22 April 2019 - 10:35 AM

Thinking logically, all body panels are available. However, the problem is alignment and geometry. With a body jig, a good MIG welder and, ideally, a spot welder it is possible to re-build that shell to be better than a new Heritage shell.
The reason cars get re-shelled is because it is easier if a shell requiring less work is available.
In this case it is for TV so a rebuild is likely. It seems unlikely that the notorious TV restoration prog where one MGB was substituted for another will happen again.

#15 1968cooper


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Posted 22 April 2019 - 12:39 PM

I think it a shame to restore this car as its originality would be lost, just clean it up, mind your fingers on the jagged edges though, sit on it and watch it go up in value.

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