Next job was to make some new Timing Teeth, as I had to chop the standard ones off so I could see the Crank Sensor.
Firts I made up a cardboard template:

Then, using a spare timing chain cover, I folded the piece I have cut out to fit and marked and drilled the holes for the bolts to hold it in place.

Then having made an exact template of the original teeth, I marked transferred the outline onto the new marker and cut them out.

I had a bit of a mishap when cutting the teeth:

And here is the finished item:

Now that I had fitted new timing teeth in a different position, I would have to make a new timing mark on the Crank Pulley. To do this I removed No 1 Spark Plug and rotated the engine until it was on its firing cycle and then fitted the piston stop to mark just before and just after TDC. Then I could measure the distance and half it to mark exact TDC, as I had done previously (No pics sorry).