Finally, after months and months of trying to sort out a twin belt pulley with trigger wheel for this engine, the pulley was now ready to be fitted.
So on with the new gasket.
However after fitting the timing chain cover fitting and torquing the original bolt up to 75lb/ft, the pulley was still moving, on taking it apart, I identified that the original bolt had a step on it and it was that step that was causing the bolt not to clamp down onto the washers and pulley sufficiently to secure it.
I had a new bolt, but I tried to fit it before and it would not go past the first couple of turns. I thought this was a different thread, but after seeking advice all crank bolts are the same. to be honest the threads looked a little damaged.
I cleaned up the threads and managed to screw the bolt all the way in, so with a new lock washer I did it up and torqued it.