Next job was the Primary Gear End Float, this is the clearance, or the amount of front to back movement, of the Primary Gear on the Crank Shaft Tail.
Too much and the Primary Gear will rattle and cause problems, too little and the Primary Gear could seize!!
I started off using all of the original cleaned up parts. First on is the Shim, which is installed with the chamfered edge up again the block.

Next on the Primary Gear, being careful not to scratch the bushes on the Crank.

Then on with the Backing Ring and C Washer.

As with the Idler Gear, the measurements need to be taken using two Feeler Gauges, one on either side, otherwise you could get a false reading.
I first measured using the old C Clip and the clearance was 0.006” - 0.0065”, which, according to the specs in the Rover Repair Manual (shown below), is right on the edge of the larger spec, so too much really. I have also been advised that for this engine with A+ Helical Gears I need to aim for 0.004" for longevity.

On one side the original C washer is worn where it butts up against the face of the slotted area in the Crank, this wear is caused by the Primary Gear being forced up against the Backing Ring whenever the Clutch Pedal is depressed. If the C Washer is smooth on the other side it can be rotated so that the new flat surface is facing the Flywheel. With the C Washer rotated, as suggested, the gap measured less at 0.0045” to a tight 0.005”, still slightly too much though.
So, after taking some advice, I ordered a new C washer from MiniMine and in a few days I tried again.
I stripped and cleaned everything again to check it dry. With the new C Washer I got 0.006” one way around and 0.005” and 0.0055” the other, it turns out that the new C Washers are slightly thinner . When measuring I also noticed that one side seemed slightly tighter than the other, this is common when re-busing the Primary Gear and it is suggested to take the lower reading as the reference. As a result of this discrepancy I decided to measure everything and the results can be seen below.

The old C Clip is 0.124” and the new C Clip is 0.1235” The backing ring is 0.157” and the shim is 0.1185”.
What I also hadn't noticed before was the sloppiness of the backing ring (video below).
I don't believe there should be this much play, so I considered ordering a new one, however I also spoke to a local (ish) contact who, as it turned out may have spare originals that should help out.
So the issues that I have, IMHO, are excessive movement in the Backing Ring, a C Washer which is worn on one side and the requirement to decrease the existing clearance by 0.002".
So in order to resolve these and hit a clearance of 0.004", I am hopefully getting a Backing Ring with a slightly smaller Internal Diameter and a Shim that is 0.002" wider.
Update to follow.
Edited by JonnyAlpha, 05 June 2022 - 01:27 PM.