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Big Bang Engine Conversion

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#1 Minimanda


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Posted 11 February 2019 - 09:44 PM


has anyone done a Big Bang Engine conversion  yet,. if so did you encounter any major issues.

#2 Ethel


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Posted 13 February 2019 - 09:38 AM

Had to google what one was,


Minis are heavier, front wheel drive (and steering) and have twice as many driven wheels. Those are all things I could see countering or reducing any benefit.

#3 duds100


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Posted 13 February 2019 - 05:12 PM

I think Pro-Motive have done a couple of custom kits with the newer bigbang R1 engines. These motors are 180bhp & 84lb ft. Loads of revs with 6 closely stacked, sequentially selected gears. Ist gear is pretty long on all the R1 engines so they are not really suited for daily driving eg. junctions & stop start traffic. They are much more suited to fast road and flat out track performance. 


The bikes are geared to around 190mph, drop this to about 120mph, keep the mini's weight below 600/650kg, and you have got one flying machine of a mini! 


If the pro-mo chaps have modified their frames and got a couple to fit I don't imaging there is much of an installation issue with one of these newer type engines. I'll ask Phil or Darren next time I see them. 

Edited by duds100, 13 February 2019 - 05:14 PM.

#4 Minimanda


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Posted 16 February 2019 - 11:48 AM

Cheers for the feed back.
I did get in touch with pro motive about fitting a 'big bang'engine into one of their frames & they did inform me that the big bang engine was bigger than the normal R1 engine.
I have contacted my local yamaha dealer & they are struggling to find out how big the difference is between the 2.

#5 exuptoy


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Posted 02 July 2020 - 08:21 PM

Another option with a little less power but more low down torque is the MT10 engine as it has steel internals instead of Ti ones. The low down torque and drive from minimum revs is immense. I own the MT10 and it is more flexible than the R1.

#6 mini13


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Posted 02 July 2020 - 08:34 PM

in some ways this makes sense, ie IIRC it gets around the port robbing issue of the 5 port head. on the other hand, the gearbox will have to deal with bigger torque pulses,

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