I've known I wanted a dedicated track day Mini for quite a while now. Having grown older and built a few Minis I came very close with my current Mini. However the roll cage in that 'race' car is about to age out causing me to consider my options. Do i replace the cage in the current car or do I look to build a new car?
We could go down the Appendix K route of the Mk1 but real Mk1's are becoming increasingly expensive. Ready 2 Race cars can be purchased form the likes of Swiftune for ~£50K. I wanted the fun of building one myself. I already have an investment in parts from the existing car so decided to strip that and rebuild it into a new body. I sat down with the Mini Miglia regs and the 'blue book' and started looking for a donors.
I knew I wanted a saloon and I've always liked the rear lights of the Mk2/3 and the older gutter profile of the <Mk3 so started to look online. One day in January 2018 I found this on eBay... a 1971 Bronze Yellow 850 ...most of the possible donors were either too nice, too complete ready for OE restorations or so far gone they had trees growing out of them.
The story went that it was a family car. They purchased it new and was well loved by the original owner. Then one day in the late 80's the son decided he was going to restore the car, lost most the bits and shoved it in the corner of the family MOT business. Now 25 years later it's been uncovered and offered for sale. So figured it was a good candidate and placed a bid...
... then it arrived It was worse than I thought. The front end had been fitted very very badly! loads of filler in the scuttle panel to bridge the gaps. The doors had been re-skinned badly and the rear quarters had been repaired by a beaver and a stick welder. On the plus side the floors looked good, it had the original 850 engine, most of the interior, original gauge, steering wheel and petrol tank. All original 850 running gear and factory front and rear subframes.
Next step is to strip the donor down, work out what can be saved, what can be restored and what needs to be replace...
Edited by Curley, 07 February 2019 - 01:52 AM.