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Idler Gear Needle Roller Bearing

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#31 RooBoonix


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Posted 07 October 2018 - 05:09 PM

If I get the time to clock my casings up on the mill at work sometime during my next rebuild then I may correct them, but my original bearings still looked in OK shape after 90k miles so I'm not toooooo worried for the time being. Always worth bearing in mind though.

#32 Spider


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Posted 07 October 2018 - 05:29 PM

Are these idler gear issues ones we all need to be concerned about or is this more of an issue when engine torque outputs are very high?


I've found them in all gearboxes, some worse than other, a few that were from our local lines (which came from the UK in any case), but most have been from the UK, some from 998's and some from 1275's - all stock.


Engine Torque is one aspect in a gear train, but the other is the weight of the car and final drive ratios, a taller final drive is harder on the drop gears.

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