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Mike's 1986 City E

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#16 M J W J


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Posted 10 February 2019 - 09:20 PM



Probably worth reinforcing the rear supports for the front subframe if nothing else - will you be fitting a cage for safety?

Why would I need to reinforce the sub frame mounts?

And no. I have no intention of fitting a cage. She is simply being put back together as she was when I had her on the road back in 2007. That includes the cracked walnut gear knob, nodding cat on the parcel shelf and the Phillips cassette radio she had.


If you're going to be on good roads all the way no need, but Minis weren't really designed for off road and do crack around the subframe mounts (and other places)under prolonged heavy use. I presume you'll be heavily loaded (spare wheels, spare parts etc) or will you have support vehicles for that? With regard to a cage I was thinking more about the standard of driving as you get further east - might give you some protection if you come into contact with the locals.  


 We will be sticking mainly to main roads. Whit and I are limited in the time we can take off work so have to take the easiest route we can.


As for the cage. My plan is to avoid having an accident in the first place. No accident in a mini is a good thing. Unless we roll the car a cage isn't going to do much. If I were to fit a cage I'd have to fit bucket seats and harnesses to go with it. My other mini has a cage in it but has bucket seats and will have harnesses fitted when I get round to finishing it. Without them you are more likely to just hit the cage and get more server injuries. I've been to the far east before. I'm under no illusion of how bad the driving is out there.

#17 M J W J


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Posted 10 February 2019 - 10:46 PM

A bit more done. Off side floor repairs and preparation for the new sill to be fitted. The rear sub frame front mount was cut out to make way with one that doesn't have stripped out captive nuts and rust.


Edited by M J W J, 21 February 2019 - 10:39 PM.

#18 M J W J


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Posted 21 February 2019 - 10:40 PM

I can no longer see daylight through the drivers foot well so that's got to be progress. Shame the same can't be said about the passengers.




#19 M J W J


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Posted 22 February 2019 - 10:57 PM

Our team now has a logo courtesy of an old friend. Cheers Chris!


Attached File  The Project Peddlers Logo.PNG   24.81K   0 downloads


If anyone wants some graphics works doing drop me a message and I can pass on his details.

#20 M J W J


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Posted 18 March 2019 - 09:47 PM

Time for an update. I've got a few videos to edit together and post. The car is more advanced than this



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#21 M J W J


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Posted 20 March 2019 - 11:41 PM

For all those wondering if the mini will be done in time it is a bit further than the videos suggest. I've just spend the evening at work etch priming a ton of suspension parts and the rear sub frame not to mention that my rear trailing arms are all ready built up to be fitted. 


The rear sub frame has had the back boxed in and captive nuts welded in so I can bolt on a towing eye for when we inevitably break down. My dad (guy who randomly appears in the videos in orange hi-vis) has cleaned and repainted my front sub frame.


Anyway. Here is progress on the shell.


#22 M J W J


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Posted 10 May 2019 - 10:24 PM

This project isn't dead and we are still going on the mongol rally. I've just been using every bit of daylight to work on the car instead of updating this thread.

Here is how she sits as of this afternoon.



I will update this thread properly when I get time.

Edited by M J W J, 12 May 2019 - 10:18 PM.

#23 M J W J


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Posted 25 August 2019 - 11:15 PM

I'M BACK!!! If you have been keeping tabs on this years Mongol rally you might already know what happened. If not don't worry I will tell the story however first I will put up the rest of the footage and images I took during the build.


First, cast your minds back to March 2019...


#24 M J W J


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Posted 29 August 2019 - 10:13 PM

Scuttle panel and front end panel replacement continued

#25 cooperd70


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 05:50 AM

Keep the time lapse coming, they're great. Also looking forward to the Mongol rally update!

#26 johnR


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 12:29 PM

Time-lapse has the potential to be a good format - I'm no expert but it strikes me that better lighting and more thought to positioning the camera so that you see less off the garage and more of the car would improve your output. The sort of quality of photography that Ben produces on the Isle of Wight is what we all aspire to.

#27 M J W J


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Posted 31 August 2019 - 03:55 PM

Time-lapse has the potential to be a good format - I'm no expert but it strikes me that better lighting and more thought to positioning the camera so that you see less off the garage and more of the car would improve your output. The sort of quality of photography that Ben produces on the Isle of Wight is what we all aspire to.

These time lapses were taken 6 months ago using my phone so there's nothing I can do about it now. I didn't particularly set out to make videos of the mini. It was just quicker than stopping and taking a photo every 5 minutes and then uploading them to the likes or imugr and copying links to the mini forum.

#28 M J W J


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Posted 01 September 2019 - 01:56 PM

Front end fitment.


#29 M J W J


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 10:14 PM

From this point forward even the time lapse videos will be somewhat lacking in my build thread due to lack of footage. Time was really running out at this point so I forgot on numerous days to set up my phone to take the time lapse.


Previously I posted a picture of the car in primer on the 10th of May. We had exactly 10 weeks left at that point to finish the Mini before we set off while still having to work our normal 9-5 jobs.


#30 M J W J


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Posted 05 September 2019 - 10:56 PM

With a deadline looming work continued on the mini.


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