Buy 10 (4 spare) high tensile 3/8 UNC 2" bolts, with plenty of shank, and with die set as wide as you stock will allow, thread a bolt on down the shank.
If you have one, an old Whitworth die is best, as they cut a more tapering thread.
Having cut the thread on down on the first bolt, cut off all but a couple of the original threads and try it in the block. It should bind at the third thread, so adjust your stock until it is a tight fit.
If you are engineer enough to have a milling machine, you know what I'm getting at.
Clean the threads in the block in the usual way petrol, jizer, water, meths and screw your re-cut bolts in with Loctite 270.
Use your milling machine, not a pillar drill, to re-drill the block for the re-positioned head studs.