thought id join and put this project thread up as ill prob need some help in the future!!
this is my dads classic racer he built when he was 19 way back in the early 60's! its in a real sorry state and ive asked if i could bring it back to life (to no reply yet lol) i want to bring this classic beast back up and running hopefully to race in the grand historic racing series (2 man team for 1 car me and dad racing in his first race car)

its a 1961 Mk1 mini shell with a 850 engine im trying to get the full list of bits done to it off my dad but old age has got the better of his brain and his forgotten half of it but from what his told me its really modded for its age with Webber 45 carb, skimmed port polished and enlarged valve head its a real bugger to start as the compression ratio is 15-1 so when it does finaly start it wont stop as it starts to desil and keeps chugging away

to be honest im looking forward to doing this more than the zcar ive have in mind because its got so much personal history

Kind Regars