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Specialist Components 1380 / Delta 400 Ecu

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#31 Foobah


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 10:51 PM

Two sets of dials from earlier this evening. One set at start up, one when up to c80- degrees. couple of the fuel plumbing.


The pipe from the top of the regulator was removed as per SC yesterday (said only attached here for turbo cars).


I have fitted it to the inlet manifold coupling as per SC advice. However it is sucking in air. Wont this add more air to the mixture before it gets in to the inlet manifold? If I put my finger over the end of the pipe the revs drop and the starts to labour?


The idle speed rises from c1100 on starting to c1800 when it warms up.


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The puzzle continues.

#32 Foobah


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 09:16 AM



Just following up on an earlier post/question - its a narrow band lanbda fitted to the centr branch of the LCB just after the bend.

#33 mini13


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 09:30 AM



personally I would not bother with a NB lambda, all they tell you is rich or lean, and not by how much, this coupled with your 10% o2 authority will be causing the issue.


I woould stump up the £150 ish for a wideband gauge setup, then you can see what is going on all the time,




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#34 Bat


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 09:58 AM


Block off the hissing pipe as you've created a vacuum leak!

A narrow band will get you through an MOT but as already mentioned a wideband would be better.

If you use the narrowband set it up to get you through the mot and disabled the rest of the time. 

There should be a menu to allow you to set the rpm and engine loads you want it to work in, eg below 20% TPS and only idle and low kpa readings plus below 3000rpm.

With a correctly setup WBO2 your ECU should be able to adjust the fuelling for you.


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If you look in the center of the screen of the system we use you'll see 3 blocks, one is the base fuelling, one the actual measured by the lambda and the third is the target value - what the ECU is aiming for.

All should hover around the middle, mine are red and over by the indicator switch lol!

Cheers  :proud:

#35 tmsmini


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Posted 03 July 2018 - 04:27 PM

Where are the other pieces of the SPi breather system?

On my MPi conversion, I removed the MPi breather system that appears as if it should feed into the SC manifold and rerouted it to the air cleaner, but I still have breathers and connections in the system.


I am not sure this is any better, but your looks like it is missing something.


#36 Foobah


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 09:28 PM

Hi all,

I'm back in the UK now and will post an update in a couple of days (if it hasn't caught fire already)


#37 Foobah


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Posted 05 August 2018 - 09:11 AM

Bit of an update.
I've made some good progress via Delta, the ECU provider. It looks like I've got 85% ish there with the fuelling and understand better now via ECU guys some of the compromises involved.
Some of the 'rich' smell was due to a leak from a fuel line. That took a bit of finding but it certainly doesn't smell as rich now!
I've got the emissions down to below MOT requirements via the lambda too.
I think an MOT is looming; only 2 years later than planned.
If it goes pear-shaped I'll be desperately asking for help again.
May the Force be with me.
Cheers everyone.

#38 tmsmini


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Posted 07 August 2018 - 08:01 PM

So what other changes were suggested?

I have a running rich around town issue, but that is more likely because the engine never fully warms up on short trips.


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