What a nice story and what a lovely Mk1. It seems to be fallen in good hands
Could it be that your spare engine is the one that originally was in your car when it left the factory? In other words is it ''matching numbers'' now?
No, I'm supposed to have an 850, and this engine is a 1000.
Hasn't been too much to update, mostly I've just been driving the car and only doing small, tinkering-style jobs. Doesn't help that it has been so cold and wet here, and my garage is a 250m trudge from my house...
I wasn't happy with how the car was starting. It would always go, but cold it always took a protracted sequence of attempts before it would slowly chug into life. After finding the butterfly valve in backwards, I was suspicious of the carb and whoever did the last rebuild on it. The newly aquired spare engine came with an hs2, that the guy said was the one that originally was on the car, so I thought I'd give that a go instead. After all, it's so quick to swap them over that there really wasn't anything to lose.
With the "new" carb it started a lot more readily and seemed to have a bit more go, but flubbed badly as you got on the accelerator. I'd started with 10w40 in the dashpot, then went to 20w50, but wasn't much improved. I also found that the suspect carb had a bigger spring in it, so I put that in as well, to no great effect. As a bit of an experiemnt I then tried some SAE80 gear oil from my Suzuki, and that seemed to do the trick! I know it's the wrong oil, but I'm no purist and it goes pretty well, so that will do for now. It isn't quite perfect - for the first half a second after you get on the throttle it's a touch flat before she picks up her skirts and goes. Good enough though.
Looking at the suspect carb, I found the needle was significantly bent, so that may have been the cause of the poor starting. Perhaps it was causing enough drag that the piston was reluctant to rise? Dunno, definitely not ideal though.

Popped along to Auckalnd's "Caffeine and cars" today, many gorgeous minis to be seen. Good inspiring stuff.