All looking very good, I take it you'll be at the mini nationals in October?
That's the first weekend of term 4, and I'm a teacher. Much as I'd love to, there's n way I can make that

Our kids have finally got to the age where we feel we can leave them home alone, so for the first time in 15 years my wife and I went on a little holiday on our own. We didn't get too ambitious - just a couple of nights on Waiheke island, which is an hour's ferry trip away. Seemed like a perfect little trip for the mini
The vehicle ferry leaves from Half Moon Bay, which is a 10 minute drive.

My lovely wife, having a little mini moment.

It was perfect Winter weather, so we cruised around the island, popping into vineyards for wine tasting and doing walks. Didn't take too many photos, but the mini was absolutely perfect for the island - the main road from end to end of the island takes about 15 minutes, and you would never really get above 50mph. There are gravel roads out to Stoney Batter where the old WW2 tunnels are, but the tunnels are temporarily closed so there was no point in battering ourselves and the car out that way.

Only mechanical mishap was that a number plate bolt disappeared. Zip tied.
In the queue for the return ferry, just about up the belt-line of the other cars.

So that was a lovely little Winter break, enhanced by a lovely little car.
In other news, a spare engine had popped up, but it was in Palmerston North. Setting out at 5am for a 1000km round trip to grab an engine that I don't need, which is no bargain once you factor in the petrol cost of fetching it, I was wondering exactly why I was bothering. But...
Turns out the guy selling the engine used to own my car! In fact, he was the guy who had it restored with the new floors etc. So the trip turned out completely worth it, just to connect with him and get a bit more perspective on the car's history. It was pretty funny - he set off on a whole spiel about he had one big regret, that he had let go this 1961 mini that he had restored etc etc, and then asked me if I had seen a car in Auckland with the rego of "61 MINI"... Great guy and totally made the trip worth while.
Also, he mentioned that he had named the car Norma, after an aunt of his, and it's the prefect name for her. So Norma is is from now on.
The engine itself is filthy, but it turns and has ancillaries still attached, so although it isn't a complete bargain, it's not a complete waste of money.

When I get a chance I'll do a bit of an assessment and see if I can get it to fire up.