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Spi 1995 Huge Consumption, And Technical Control Refused

Best Answer gdudu , 27 October 2018 - 10:48 AM


Good new, the technical control for pollution was OK, The CO was about 0.3  :-)

Bad news :

The technical control was not accepted cause of oil drops. The new rules don't accep this, and the techicien told me that with an english car it would be impossible .... :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


And now, I have a problem when I accelerate : there is a big hole and the motor loses all power and frequently stalls


I have reseted the ECU with readmems (readmems.exe com3 interactive and OxFA), but this is the same


I have made a little log file attached

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#46 gdudu


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Posted 27 February 2018 - 11:09 PM

The number type of my ECU seem (cause I cannot read the firtsts caracters "MNE") to be MNE101040E

Very difficult to know if it's an original for mini or not. Google is not very sure for that.


Thanks for your help Sprocket, but I don't understand what you mean with intake air value :

if the digits should be counted as the number of steps, there are too many, which means that the idle stop is incorrect.

I think the intake air temp is too low (20° instead of 35). is it what you mean ?


Iddle is very low sometime. Today, it was 600 rpm, and I confirm the sofware is not far from true.


OK, I will change thermostat tomorrow (if I can) and will make new logs. One thing to resolve first.

I think I have to grease the accelerator cable, cause I have to pull the pedal everytime I stop acceleration. This is new, since a few weeks, and I think this is not very good for what I want ...




Can you try again.    Download from here:


and when you open it, it should extract to a folder called mems-rosco.     You then open the file inside called mems-rosco.exe.      Give it a minute or so to be sure.

I am having problems with it; it won't open for me.   I'm running Windows 10 64 bit.

Does it now work for you?  If not, what is your operating system?


No, Mems-rosco still don't open, and have also windows10-64.


But this software seem to be the same than Mems-Gauge 0.2, and this one is OK


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#47 martinrub


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 04:40 AM

This page:  http://www.allbrit.d...pgroup=09.65.50

seems to match MEMS MNE numbers to Mini VINs.    Does that help at all?   Perhaps other Mini owners will also confirm that you have the correct version of MEMS?


Do you have another laptop, perhaps one with Windows 7 you could try?   I am in contact with Leopold and trying to get the latest  mems-rosco onto my Windows 10 64bit  laptop.    Unfortunately, I don't have my Windows 7 laptop with me.


Your sticking pedal might explain why MEMS thinks your throttle never closes down to the idle position.    Clearly, you must correct that before you can make any progress.    MEMS must know where idle is.

#48 martinrub


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 08:34 AM

Leopold is aware that there is a problem getting mems-rosco working on Windows 10.      And he's removing the minireader he put up because there was a problem there.   So just bear with him for the moment.

#49 martinrub


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 11:41 AM

Now try mems-rosco; it's working for me on Windows 10.




Extract the rar file with 7Zip or similar and open mems-rosco.exe

#50 gdudu


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 05:14 PM

Here it is

I've changed my thermostat, and grease my accel cable

It seem to be a little better for STFT, average -4%, and sometime above zero.

What do you think about that (I've attached the log file)

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#51 martinrub


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 05:46 PM

The idle switch is still never showing closed.     Perhaps MEMS is still learning?  


And you got an air con valve fault code; that's really interesting; any idea what might have caused that?    Obviously, you don't have such a valve.


Are you still getting black smoke on startup?      Until that is corrected, the rest is really peripheral.    Whether or not the thermostat opens at 82C or 88C has no relevance to lots of black smoke on a cold start.     But you do seem to be making progress.


Your logfiles are always interesting, but one day give us one where you are not driving it like Jason Bourne in Paris!        I'd like to see it enter closed loop occasionally!       Only joking, but do let's see what it looks like with less harsh acceleration, so it goes into open loop less often.


The fact that your STFT is a bit better again makes me wonder what benefits an oil change would bring, but there's little point until you cure the over-rich conditon in open loop.


I assume you also get lots of balck smoke in open loop when accelerating and not just on startup..... but unless someone follows behind you I guess you won't know.



The black smoke on startup and the idle switch - they really need to be the focus of attention.       Once they're fixed I'd say fit a new 02 sensor and do an oil change, but not before.


Keep up the feedbac!

Edited by martinrub, 28 February 2018 - 05:48 PM.

#52 gdudu


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 06:34 PM

Hi Martin,

I forgot to say I've done a reset of the Mems this morning


I don't see the air con valve default you talk ?


When you talk about oil, you mean motor oil ? Cause I've drained it a month ago (I've changed my spy seal and remade my cardan shaft)


The black smoke is a little less, I don't know, but I cannot test this easily, car must be cold. I could ask my daughter to make a little video tomorrow


My log file was not always in rallye driving, just at the middle. Then before 8mn, and after 22mn, it was cool driving (I need about 8 minute to go outside in mountain, I'm not in the city like Jason  :D )


And, on my car, there is no iddle switch. I've checked this today when I had grease the accel cable


Now, I think my iddle is really too low. I've succeded to download Mems-Rosco, it's about 650 rpm. I've clicked 2 times on "iddle_speed_plus", but nothing happened, then I stop


I think I could try to go back to technical control, they are cool, and if necessary I could go with a friend ... who has a functionnal car, they could get the wrong exhaust ....by mistake


Have to see this iddle now I think

#53 martinrub


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 08:10 PM

Hi Martin,
I forgot to say I've done a reset of the Mems this morning
I don't see the air con valve default you talk ?
When you talk about oil, you mean motor oil ? Cause I've drained it a month ago (I've changed my spy seal and remade my cardan shaft)
The black smoke is a little less, I don't know, but I cannot test this easily, car must be cold. I could ask my daughter to make a little video tomorrow
My log file was not always in rallye driving, just at the middle. Then before 8mn, and after 22mn, it was cool driving (I need about 8 minute to go outside in mountain, I'm not in the city like Jason  :D )
And, on my car, there is no iddle switch. I've checked this today when I had grease the accel cable
Now, I think my iddle is really too low. I've succeded to download Mems-Rosco, it's about 650 rpm. I've clicked 2 times on "iddle_speed_plus", but nothing happened, then I stop
I think I could try to go back to technical control, they are cool, and if necessary I could go with a friend ... who has a functionnal car, they could get the wrong exhaust ....by mistake
Have to see this iddle now I think

Hi Jason,

The air con valve fault shows as the only red fault code on the display of your logfile. Right hand side, under fault codes, second from bottom. I wonder what set it off? You could try clearing it with mems-rosco, although I think the Clear Fault Codes button may only refer to those 4 fault codes above it.

Engine oil: a rich mixture will add fuel to the engine oil, and if it is bad enough, the fuel in the oil can affect the mixture after the faukt is fixed. (Also, obviously, if it is bad or goes on for a long time, it has a negative effect on lubrication.) So when the fault causing the black smoke is fixed, if the oil is not changed, you might still see some negative STFT because there is fuel also coming out of the oil. Just something to remember in case you still see negative STFT.

The idle switch: up tp 1993 it was a physical switch on the pedal. After 1993, they removed the switch because the software in MEMS learned where idle is. Maybe that trick pressing the pedal to the floor with the ignition on and releasing it 5 times, or whatever the procedure is, maybe that speeds up the learning process; otherwise MEMS simply learns where idle/closed throttle is. Obviously, it can only do it when the engine is hot and when you have done enough miles of normal driving including stopping at lights. So after 1993 the term idle switch really means a virtual idle switch in MEMS memory.

Your 650RPM idle (I see 619RPM at 23 mins) is perhaps connected to the idle switch never dropping low. 0x80 Status Page Byte 0A Idle Switch under User Defined - every time you have your foot off the accelerator pedal, that should show zero, and stay there until you open the throttle. But it never does If MEMS doesnt know where idle is, no wonder you see 620 RPM. MEMS should be learning where throttle closed is. Now you have reset MEMS maybe we need to be patient and you need to do some driving in the city with lots of stops at lights? I compare you throttle angle 0x7D status page Byte 02 with mine and yours is still twice the value of mine. Do you create your logfile using MEMSLogger from Al Richey or is it with mems-rosco? Have you made a logfile using Leopolds mems-rosco? It works now on Windows 10. (A logfile made with mems-rosco does not show the 2 status pages; thats why I ask.).

1. Was your idle speed so low when you had the other throttle body on the car?

2. When did the idle speed become so low?

3. Did you check if your MEMS ECU MNE101040E is the correct one?

4. How long have you had the black smoke at startup?

Edited by martinrub, 28 February 2018 - 08:20 PM.

#54 Sprocket


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 10:40 PM

Solve basics first ! Forget rich mixture for now.


Problems still exist other than rich mixture!!


Datalog with idle only at full hot motor 90 degrees, not the Le Mans 24hr.  ;D  Make datalog long time. I need to see steady state.


MEMS may not go to idle control. Stepper (0x80 Status Page, 12 Idle Air Control) does not operate as I would like. Ignition advance does not operate as I would like.


Wrong Idle stop adjustment!!

#55 gdudu


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 04:49 PM

Hi Martin

I don't remember the iddle last year, I only remember my consumption, the cause of the replacement, and my ECU seem to be a original, but I am not specialist. I didn't find anything more than you for that.



yes I have a problem with iddle. Today I made a log file, hot motor, at iddle, during 12 min, without any acceleration. The log file is there. Very slow iddle, about 600rpm. But I don't see anything more ?


I will see how to adjust it now

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Edited by gdudu, 01 March 2018 - 04:50 PM.

#56 genpop


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 05:54 PM

ecu id is shown on top of mems gauge.

please make a log with mems-rosco from start with driving until it is warm at least 5 min

#57 Sprocket


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 06:05 PM

MNE101040 http://www.minispare...ck to catalogue


Edited by Sprocket, 01 March 2018 - 06:06 PM.

#58 Sprocket


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 06:19 PM

Hi Martin
I don't remember the iddle last year, I only remember my consumption, the cause of the replacement, and my ECU seem to be a original, but I am not specialist. I didn't find anything more than you for that.
yes I have a problem with iddle. Today I made a log file, hot motor, at iddle, during 12 min, without any acceleration. The log file is there. Very slow iddle, about 600rpm. But I don't see anything more ?
I will see how to adjust it now

I am travelling at this time, I will look later.

Please take pictures similar to these below

#59 Sprocket


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 06:29 PM

Also this one

Rubber boot will come off

#60 martinrub


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Posted 01 March 2018 - 11:02 PM

I believe that your idle speed is very low because MEMS is sending the command to increase it, but nothing is happening. The logfile shows that MEMS thinks the Idle Air Control is in its highest position, because it sees the RPM as 600 and is trying to increase it. But nothing is happening. So it has got to the point where MEMS thinks its at maximium opening. Clearly, its not: its at the minimum, more likely.

Which type of idle control do you have: a true idle air control valve or motor control of the throttle plate stop? If the stepper motor is contolling the throttle plate, you would see, when someone turns off the ignition and you watch the throttle or the stepper output shaft, that it opens a little and then returns. And you would hear the motor, too, if it was working.

So there is either a mechanical failure, a disconnection, or a wiring/circuit fault or the stepper motor is faulty, or theres a fault in the power feed or the grounding of the phases by MEMS. First thing to check is that the stepper motor connector is on properly.

You could check for all that, or you could fit the old throttle body back again (or both).

As I said in an earlier post, it could be that this low idle, and the lack of idle switch activity in the logfile are connected. So perhaps MEMS will relearn where idle is when it sees a realistic idle RPM.

Then, as genpop says, please make a logfile using mems-rosco (including startup snd shut down before turning off logging). You should then see correct throttle angles as well a better display of information.

(That should give you something to do outside this weekend instead of racing round the streets of Marseille.)

Edited by martinrub, 02 March 2018 - 05:06 AM.

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