Hi Martin,
I forgot to say I've done a reset of the Mems this morning
I don't see the air con valve default you talk ?
When you talk about oil, you mean motor oil ? Cause I've drained it a month ago (I've changed my spy seal and remade my cardan shaft)
The black smoke is a little less, I don't know, but I cannot test this easily, car must be cold. I could ask my daughter to make a little video tomorrow
My log file was not always in rallye driving, just at the middle. Then before 8mn, and after 22mn, it was cool driving (I need about 8 minute to go outside in mountain, I'm not in the city like Jason
And, on my car, there is no iddle switch. I've checked this today when I had grease the accel cable
Now, I think my iddle is really too low. I've succeded to download Mems-Rosco, it's about 650 rpm. I've clicked 2 times on "iddle_speed_plus", but nothing happened, then I stop
I think I could try to go back to technical control, they are cool, and if necessary I could go with a friend ... who has a functionnal car, they could get the wrong exhaust ....by mistake
Have to see this iddle now I think
Hi Jason,
The air con valve fault shows as the only red fault code on the display of your logfile. Right hand side, under fault codes, second from bottom. I wonder what set it off? You could try clearing it with mems-rosco, although I think the Clear Fault Codes button may only refer to those 4 fault codes above it.
Engine oil: a rich mixture will add fuel to the engine oil, and if it is bad enough, the fuel in the oil can affect the mixture after the faukt is fixed. (Also, obviously, if it is bad or goes on for a long time, it has a negative effect on lubrication.) So when the fault causing the black smoke is fixed, if the oil is not changed, you might still see some negative STFT because there is fuel also coming out of the oil. Just something to remember in case you still see negative STFT.
The idle switch: up tp 1993 it was a physical switch on the pedal. After 1993, they removed the switch because the software in MEMS learned where idle is. Maybe that trick pressing the pedal to the floor with the ignition on and releasing it 5 times, or whatever the procedure is, maybe that speeds up the learning process; otherwise MEMS simply learns where idle/closed throttle is. Obviously, it can only do it when the engine is hot and when you have done enough miles of normal driving including stopping at lights. So after 1993 the term idle switch really means a virtual idle switch in MEMS memory.
Your 650RPM idle (I see 619RPM at 23 mins) is perhaps connected to the idle switch never dropping low. 0x80 Status Page Byte 0A Idle Switch under User Defined - every time you have your foot off the accelerator pedal, that should show zero, and stay there until you open the throttle. But it never does If MEMS doesnt know where idle is, no wonder you see 620 RPM. MEMS should be learning where throttle closed is. Now you have reset MEMS maybe we need to be patient and you need to do some driving in the city with lots of stops at lights? I compare you throttle angle 0x7D status page Byte 02 with mine and yours is still twice the value of mine. Do you create your logfile using MEMSLogger from Al Richey or is it with mems-rosco? Have you made a logfile using Leopolds mems-rosco? It works now on Windows 10. (A logfile made with mems-rosco does not show the 2 status pages; thats why I ask.).
1. Was your idle speed so low when you had the other throttle body on the car?
2. When did the idle speed become so low?
3. Did you check if your MEMS ECU MNE101040E is the correct one?
4. How long have you had the black smoke at startup?
Edited by martinrub, 28 February 2018 - 08:20 PM.