Few more hours spent on the Golf. Removed gear linkage, exhaust down pipe and removed some more rubber undercoat.
Passenger front jacking point rot free.
Removed rotten battery tray.
New panel tested in place, seems to fit ok.
Posted 09 March 2018 - 01:20 PM
Few more hours spent on the Golf. Removed gear linkage, exhaust down pipe and removed some more rubber undercoat.
Passenger front jacking point rot free.
Removed rotten battery tray.
New panel tested in place, seems to fit ok.
Posted 10 March 2018 - 07:23 PM
Today's work, rubbed down both front Inner wings for epoxy primer. Sanded with 80 grit and panel wiped about 10 times hopefully the epoxy primer will stick.
Passenger front inner wing after epoxy.
Drivers front inner wing after epoxy.
Posted 10 March 2018 - 08:08 PM
Looking really good!
I did similar work on a mk1 GTI a few years back.
What are you using to clean back the rubberised coatings from the inner wings out of interest?
Posted 10 March 2018 - 08:15 PM
Thanks Ben. I'm useing mainly wire wheels in the drill, grinder, heat gun and scraper. Its a nightmare but worth It as I have found the start of rust underneath in quite a few places it's very slow going but don't think there's a easier way.
Edited by cookie4343, 10 March 2018 - 08:16 PM.
Posted 10 March 2018 - 09:42 PM
I don't either. I find that heat gun and scraper are about the best option. If you can get the heat gun on the other side of the panel, I find that heating the coating from behind helps it come off quicker and easier.
Posted 10 March 2018 - 10:18 PM
Thanks Ben ill give that ago ill set the heater up inside facing the floor pan, It's one of the more long winded jobs.
Also do you paint your suspension bits with 2k gloss or chassis black.
Posted 11 March 2018 - 11:39 AM
I use 2k HS
Posted 11 March 2018 - 12:13 PM
I use 2k HS
Cheers Ben ill give that ago, I used Hammerite on my daily and rust showing again after a few months i even cleaned it back to bare clean steel.
Posted 31 March 2018 - 07:10 PM
Back on the golf again been pretty busy the last few weeks with other stuff,
Sandblasted and epoxy primed half the engine bay, the good side.
After some epoxy primer to seal the steel.
Posted 07 April 2018 - 06:52 PM
Started removing rubber undercoat today from the passenger side main floor.
A few before and after pics.
Got most of this side done back to bare metal, will finish it tomorrow hopefully.
Posted 08 April 2018 - 04:47 PM
Finished removing the last bit of vw sealer from the passenger main floor pan.
Sandblasted some of rust round the jacking point stump, was going to remove it but it seems to have cleaned up well.
Washed the whole floor pan down with panel wipe, scuff pad and plenty of blue roll. Managed to get some epoxy primer on.
Posted 14 April 2018 - 06:55 PM
So today i started stripping the vw sealer from the drivers side main floor.pan.
Jacking point stump this side was suspect so i decided to remove to be on the safe side.
Cleaned rust up abit, seems solid enough, not really sure whether I will weld a patch In.
Posted 14 April 2018 - 07:00 PM
Drivers side main floor pan, pics In bare metal.
Started tunnel, hopefully have it all In epoxy primer tomorrow.
Edited by cookie4343, 14 April 2018 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 14 April 2018 - 07:22 PM
This must be such a labour of love. I know how time consuming this job is.
It's looking really great!
Posted 14 April 2018 - 07:42 PM
This must be such a labour of love. I know how time consuming this job is.
It's looking really great!
Cheers Ben, i tend to set my self daily goals, just switch my self off and try and get on with it. Im sure the good parts of the build will come eventually. Be starting the Mini next so want this done asap.
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