Hi guys,
Picking up this thread again, as I am in exactly the same situation as Tonylamb. I'm pretty well advanced with the conversion from 2-clock offset instruments to new central speedo + water and oil gauges, using an aftermarket conversion loom. I've wired up the instruments, and it looks like I've reached exactly the same setup in terms of colours as Tonylamb. All that's left to do is to connect it all up to the car loom. I have ten wires coming out of the conversion loom, and ten wires in the car loom. However, not all of the colours match up. Here's how my instruments are wired up :
- Voltage regulator B terminal : white
- Top green bulb : green & white + red & green
- Left orange bulb : red & green
- Right orange bulb : red & green
- Ignition light bulb : white + brown & yellow
- High beam bulb : blue & white
- Fuel gauge : green & black
- Water temp gauge : green & blue + black + red & green
- Oil pressure gauge : black + red & green
I attach photos of the instruments, front and back.
I also attach a few photos - one of the wired up instruments, and the other is of the multi-connector I cut off the car loom. I've labelled the colours.
As you can see, even though I have ten wires in both pics, some don't match up. There are two white wires on the conversion loom for a start, plus there are two red/green wires and two black wires which don't correspond with the car loom. Then on the car loom I have a brown/white wire and a red/white wire which aren't on the conversion loom.
Can either of you guys help me sort out the "odd" wires?
Also, if I mess up any of these connections, am I running any risk of blowing fuses or worse?
Couple of other questions : I'm given to understand that as I have an oil pressure gauge, I won't need an oil warning light, and that also my two separate indicators are "collapsed" into a single one (the green bulb at the top). That's fine, but if that's the case, what are the two orange lights on either side being used for?
Many thanks in advance !