Hmmm. Summer was here and plop! 6 months without update (and not much done on the car...). This is just the same as last year, it seems it's not the best time for me to work on the car (or I have loads of other things to do :) ).
I was this week at home (motivation was there again) and did some small jobs which motivated me even more to go forward on the project.
The B-post had rust holes, I already started to weld them but after grinding there were some still there, so took again the torch and closed them up and ground the post, now it's all good!
I thought the brackets for the hand lever were too off their position, compared it with the original floor, assembled a hand brake lever and just gave some persuasion to the rear one. A complicated job turned into an easy one as I wanted to cut the old brackets and install them on the new floor...
I also made some cleaning of the welds at the rear and in the boot, and with the help of my dad we've beaten the panel up where the fuel lines come through.
The small one (for breather?) has been opened up and all this area had bumps. Now it looks much better.
On Sunday I fabricated the metal tabs holding the loom in the cabin and the boot as some were missing.
I took this opportunity to make also two spreader plates for the boot hinges. As I am here I can reinforce them to spread the load.
Now I just have to put them in place.
Oh and I found a NOS Rover front panel, it's already had the paint removed and will be put on the car. Now I have all spare parts (front and two wings) for the front once I move over there.
I'm quite happy as this ticked some lines on the To-Do list I have done for the cabin and the boot repairs.
That's it for today, I may do another home office week close to the shed to work on the body on the evening since I have quite a load of motivation now :)