I've been thinking about getting a cover for the Mini for ages and as the weather forecast promised hail, rain and snow for next week I took the plunge. I bought a Stormforce cover for my Morris Traveller but was very disappointed with it last year, the car suffered almost as much under it as it did exposed to the elements so I got a Bike Home off Ebay. Normally they are a BIN but a couple have been auctioned off recently and I got it for considerably less than the BIN - happy boy
So this morning the box arrived, it's the larger verision made to house a trike.
Big box
Body bag inside
With this lot in it
Going here, not a lot of room
Frame together. Most of it comes ready assembled with just the top hoops to click into place and two brace bars to attach
Cover is held on with velcro, easily strong enough
Still a bit of room but couldn't reverse in any more as the car doors hit the folded frame of the cover
It fits, one headlight just touching the cover but there would be more clearance if you drove in front first
Snug as a bug, taken through one of the vent flaps
I've since moved it over six inches so both sides of the frame are on the slabs and still have enough room to easily get down the side.
Very impressed with the cover, I was expecting the skin to be made of similar stuff to the Stormforce covers but it's much heavier and robust. Obviously I'll have to move it when the camper comes out but it's only a few screws holding it down and two people could move it safely without causing any damage.
Edited by panky, 05 December 2017 - 03:36 PM.