Jaguar Mk2
Posted 01 November 2017 - 11:37 PM
Posted 11 December 2017 - 11:35 AM
metallic grey with tobacco leather!
Posted 11 December 2017 - 05:36 PM
I wanted a red one but because of what it is I couldn't change the colour as it needs to be original.
The next one (if there is a next one) I will change the colour and do this to it https://beacham.co.nz/beacham-mk2/
An XJR powered MK2 really appeals to me.
Of course I have two mini's and a Triumph Spitfire to do first...
Posted 04 April 2018 - 05:58 PM
Stunning cars, one for my wish list too!
Posted 09 November 2018 - 11:44 PM
Well i'm afraid the minis and the Spitfire will have to wait as i've bought another MK2 Jag, its a lightweight racing version, no hang on its totally rotten and half of its missing!
The front chassis legs have gone (pulled them out by hand after dropping the front subframe), and i'm in the process of replacing. I'm thinking about the XJR route but having looked into it the IVA requirement is putting me off so it might stay as standard.
Its the bottom of the range 2.4 version this time but I quite fancy restoring it like this as I've never driven a 2.4 and they are supposed to be quite smooth (although lacking in power).
The first picture shows the engine bay missing the chassis rail entirely, the second shows the front O/S jacking point and the last shows the new car with the one I've just finished.
It's a mission but i'm thinking I might do this one on the basis of "how cheaply can you restore a MK2 jag" as prices are climbing now and bits are horrendously expensive for some items.
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Edited by Homersimpson, 09 November 2018 - 11:47 PM.
Posted 17 November 2018 - 12:16 PM
Can those 2.4s take a supercharger?
Posted 17 November 2018 - 03:41 PM
Can those 2.4s take a supercharger?
To be honest i'm not sure, i've never seen a supercharged one.
In general people make them go faster by fitting bigger engines and then basic tuning rather than forced induction although I think someone did turbo one once.
Posted 17 November 2018 - 08:51 PM
Posted 29 November 2018 - 09:48 PM
Someone has to lead the way!
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked through jet engines
Posted 18 September 2019 - 05:54 PM
So i've taken a short break from bodywork on the Jag and pulled the head off the engine, its been stood a long time and has siezed solid.
Number 6 (at the front as XK engines number from the back for some odd reason) was full of some strange crystal type stuff that I scooped out (might have been old antifreeze).
The bores are generally not very worn but have surface corrosion as you might expect, until I pull the bottom off and remove the crank I would be able to get the pistons out to see the state of play.
Given my original plan to do this car on a budget and also now given that we have another little one to feed and need to move house I need to see whether I can rebuild it.
Whilst I appreciate that a rebore and new pistons would be the best bet what is the likely hood of being able to clean up and/or hone the bores given that there isn't much if any lip at the top? When I get the pistons out what should I use to get the worst off to inspect them and also the bores? I was thinking a scotch brite on the aluminium pistons and a scotch brite or glass paper on the bores to start with, if its past using then a rebore (or better engine) it will be.
The XK is a very unstressed engine espeically in 2.4 litre form where it only puts our just over 100BHP, I appreciate that the engine might not last as long as you might like but on the basis I have only used the other one once this year its not going to do big mileages, if it lasted another 10K miles it will probably see me out!
Posted 18 September 2019 - 07:10 PM
When you move, be sure to post a photo of the MK2 shell on a Mini roof rack.
Posted 18 September 2019 - 07:17 PM
When you move, be sure to post a photo of the MK2 shell on a Mini roof rack.
Now theres an idea!
Posted 06 June 2020 - 01:01 PM
How far have you got with this?
Posted 06 June 2020 - 04:08 PM
How far have you got with this?
Quite far, its going for shotblasting next week and I have been repairing the doors during the lockdown which has been a mission in itself as there are four of them, the bottoms are all rotten and the skins you buy only go 3/4 of the way up so you have to join them which is a pain.
I have thread for it on Retro Rides here https://forum.retro-...8/econo-jag-mk2
Posted 06 June 2020 - 05:14 PM
I've just read through your blog - that's an epic build! Worth anyone contemplating restoring a Jag reading to see the complexity and sheer amount of work involved as a deterrent! Keep it up. It will probably make you weep that about 10 years ago I bought a good 3.8 engine and auto gearbox for £150! Sold the gearbox for £50 and the engine for @ £750.
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