So I'm trying to replace my standard hazard switch with a push button switch. I've replaced the other switches on the dash but they are basically on off switches so it was fairly easy. The hazard switch on the other hand is giving me some problems. To start out I found out that if the switch isn't connected then my left or right indicators will not work. I took the old switch apart and got some insight but still trying to figure out how to do it. When the switch is off, the bottom two wires have connectivity which I'm assuming lets the indicators work. When the switch is turned on, the top four wires have connectivity. I think I can figure out how to wire the four top wires so that when the button is pushed that they will have connectivity but I don't think I can use this switch so that when is is in off that the other two wires have connectivity. I was thinking maybe that I could install a relay with the two wires that would cause it to be closed when on and open when on but I don't know exactly how to make that work. Any information will be greatly appreciated.