I never saw a 45d4 or a 54d4 dizzy on any of my many metro's, and never say a 850 metro either, that must be a very slow car. My metro's all had lucas 64d or 65d and one had a ducillier dizzy. But its nice to know my options
the 45d seems the most common dizzy on a-series cars, and seems to have more parts available than others.
All of these boxes look really nice, the cg performance and th aldon amethyst sounds and looks very similar, I wonder if it is in fact the same product?
Either way these two are a very nice way to get at perfect ignition and I will seriously considder them for my roadgoing metro, but it will not be allowed on the hill climb car if they spot it :)
the csi ignition on the other hand, this dizzy would look and work nicely with the hill climb'er.