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Leather Fuel Tank Bib Tutorial

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#1 Marc_mcq


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Posted 26 August 2017 - 06:58 PM

**Mods, if this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it!**




Hi Guys and Girls!


So today I made myself a leather fuel filler bib and posted it in the ‘Things you did to your mini today’ thread. I asked for people to let me know if they interested in how I made it and would like a guide on how to do it themselves but I decided to do one anyway as I have nothing better to do whilst waiting for my takeaway on a Saturday night :P .


These apparently seem pretty hard to find without going to Japan so why not give it a go yourself?! All the tools can be picked up very cheap on amazon/ ebay and it would be nice to see some more weirdos like myself doing a bit of sewing in their spare time!


Note; I was making 2 bibs as I have a mock right hand filler cap.



Make a template on thick cardstock:




Cut out said template with a craft knife:




Transfer template onto veg tan leather (reasonably thick) using an awl (or anything with a sharpish point):




Cut out shapes from leather (note that one side has the tabs to grip the filler neck and the other doesn’t):




Coat the rear (furry side) of the back piece with glue (fabric/ leather glue OR any other glue that will stick two things together) being careful not to get any on the sides that will be on show and stick it to the furry side of the front piece:






Weight it down and wait for glue to dry:




Sand the edges with sandpaper so they are flush:




Mark using a wing divider where your stitches will run:




Mark out where your holes will go using a 2 prong ‘stitching chisel’ but do not punch through yet:




Bevel all of the edges with an ‘edge beveller’:




Now punch your holes with your 2 prong stitching chisel and a hammer always placing one prong in the last hole you punched to keep your gaps consistent:




Now it looks like this:




I used ‘edge kote on the inside edges as they would be pretty hard to burnish (you’ll see what I mean later):




Time to start stitching with your ‘waxed linen thread’. Have a look on youtube on how to ‘saddle stitch as it would be nearly impossible to explain using text. You will also require two very strong needles and something sturdy to hold your workpiece (possibly even a very clean vice with something to protect the leather?):




Coat the outside edges in ‘gum tragacanth’ in preparation for ‘burnishing’. I have also been led to believe that saliva does the trick just aswell!:




Using your ‘edge slicker’ (or dremmel mounted slicker in my case) rub backwards and forwards on the edge until it smoothens nicely:




Rub the edge with a beeswax block (you can pick these up for pennies) and rub with your ‘edge slicker’ again using the same technique and then give the edges a final buff with a piece of canvass:




Optional step… If you want to stamp something into your leather, make it very MOIST (not dripping wet) and either use a clamp to press it into the leather or give it ONE hard whack with a heavy mallet and then wait for it to dry fully before the next step: (bonus points if you can guess what my stamp picture is of)








Give it a coat of oil to protect it (extra virgin olive oil works just fine) and you’re done!







Now you have a lovely hand made leather fuel tank bib!











#2 AndyR


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Posted 26 August 2017 - 07:19 PM

Beautiful piece of leather work, well done.

#3 jamesmpi


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Posted 26 August 2017 - 07:28 PM

That looks ace. Any photos of it fitted to the filler neck?

#4 panky


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Posted 26 August 2017 - 07:55 PM

Very nice, and here's me thinking it was done on some mega power sewing machine.......dohhh.

#5 Marc_mcq


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Posted 26 August 2017 - 09:15 PM

Beautiful piece of leather work, well done.


Thanks, Andy!


That looks ace. Any photos of it fitted to the filler neck?


I will get some ASAP and ill post them in here for you.


Very nice, and here's me thinking it was done on some mega power sewing machine.......dohhh.


Thanks! If only, first few times I did it my fingers actually split from pulling the thread tight! You can get industrial sewing machines which will do it but they are ££££! 

#6 Marc_mcq


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 02:12 PM

A shot of it fitted to the car...




And the little tabs are doing their job just perfect, keeping it away from the paintwork! 



#7 slidehammer


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 04:37 PM

Very impressive workmanship.

#8 jamesmpi


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 05:01 PM

That looks really good. You could personalise them in many different ways. Fancy setting up a little business? I'm sure there are people who drive other classic car with exposed filler necks that would buy one...

Edited by jamesmpi, 27 August 2017 - 05:01 PM.

#9 megamini_jb


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 05:30 PM

Very nicely done and looks great!

#10 Marc_mcq


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 06:06 PM

Very impressive workmanship.


That looks really good. You could personalise them in many different ways. Fancy setting up a little business? I'm sure there are people who drive other classic car with exposed filler necks that would buy one...

It's quite costly getting he stamps made up, works out around £35 each so I think it would take a longgggg time to start recouping any money invested in the personalisation. I already have a little leather crafting business set up but I struggle to find the time to make things any more. For example... these two took me around 5 hours to make. Out of interest, pretend you wanted one of these, what would you be willing to pay?


Thanks mate!

#11 jamesmpi


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 06:56 PM

I would say around £20 but that's me pulling a price out of the air. I suppose you need to look at how much similar leather made objects sell for.. Like belts or wallets etc.
You are buying a proper hand made item, not some mass produced plastic thing

#12 Marc_mcq


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Posted 28 August 2017 - 12:34 AM

I would say around £20 but that's me pulling a price out of the air. I suppose you need to look at how much similar leather made objects sell for.. Like belts or wallets etc.
You are buying a proper hand made item, not some mass produced plastic thing

It all depends on where in the word you are... on etsy, you can get a hand made wallet from Indonesia for £30, which will feed and house a family of 4 for a week where as the same think made in the U.K. will cost £50. I sell wallets in the local art gallery for £49.50 and these take roughly 4 hours to make. I think if I was to make these bins to sell, I would have to charge around the £35 mark to make it worth my while for Labour and materials and I think this might be too much for people!

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