This is my Mini in all her glory:
I have owned it since February 2014, using it as my sole source of transport for the first year, and then as a second car since then. I have done around 8k miles in it, and I am fortunate to say it has never let me down.
From the records I have I know it had its current paint job in 2006. It is finished in New Holland Blue with a David Brown White roof. That is tractor paint for those of you that don't know. The previous owner considered tractor paint to be the best at keeping rust at bay.
I was unable to cope with the colossal power of the original 850 A series engine! So I replaced that with a 1275 engine and stage 1 kit last year (stupid really as I should've waited and done all this work at once. I still have the 850 block so if required the car can always be reunited with its original engine at a later date.
I have never restored a car before, so I hope I can pick it up.
So a few general pictures of how it is right now:
As you can see from a distance it still looks ok. However, up close you can see the signs of rot setting in. The most serious is in the dreaded oversills:
And in the rear companion bin
Then a few bits around the rest of the car
I know the floorpans aren't great either, I hope I am capable of sorting these bodywork issues out.
I hope to take the car back to originality as much as possible, whilst keeping the 1275 engine and disc brakes.
The 850 City model was in production for only 14 months, and I have seen no others in original condition. I am under no illusions of this being a valuable model, but original examples of an 850 City must be extremely rare these days.