just glancing over the list you put up, and to cover the last couple of bits,
dump valve, yeah a good idea if your running higher boost, basically when you shut the throttle all the boost coming out of the turbo has nowhere to go so this opens and dumps it to atmosphere so prevents stress on the turbo, an old T3 would put up with the spike in presure pretty well, but more modern turbo's although more efficient are not as sturdy in this respect.
Clutch, this really depends on the power you are looking at developing, for turbo use I would go with a verto set up, a turbo verto pressure plate will probaby cope with 140-150hp, then there is the uprated ones, whioch will get to about 170hp, although this can be very dependant clutch to clutch as the springs seem to come up different strengths. beyond this you are looking at building an RTS (robert twin spring) a chap over on turbomini's came up with the idea of pulling apart two verto clutches and bunging both springs in one unit, with a pair of standart 1275 springs you should easily be able to cope with 220-240 hp,
a couple of reasons for staying with the verto's, fiorst they put far less load on the crank thrusts with the clutch down, with double grey preverto's some people were wiping the thrusts out, the verto puts about 1/3 the load through to the thrusts. they are largly self adjusting, and also in my experience less prone to clutch judder.
below is a good overview of building one, and roberts original thread