On a bit of a break from this at the moment and kind of missing it so thought
a bit of an update would help! I did a bit of digging about on the history of
the Contessa after getting some details back from DVLA, called at the
address of first owner unfortunately he passed away a few years ago so
drew a blank with that, have others to try when I get some time , did however
get the rear seat back from the upholsterer did a real job on it and is getting
some other work from me on it ,started stripping of some of under bonnet
ancillaries ready for engine removal, and cleaned up tops of inner wings,
they are in very good condition under the Cadulac have decided that the tops will be
finished in the body colour and not recoated with Cadulac type material with the
lower part redone with under wax type material decision on what to use under
consideration, gave it all a coat of epoxy primmer for the moment,
then started cleaning up rear parcel shelf it was in pretty good condition despite
having had the speaker holes cut out there was some surface rust round them,
once I got the wax treatment removed from behind the fuel tank area it showed
up the work that was done to strengthen the rear seams when it was de seamed,
the rest of the boot floor cleaned up small bit of surface rust in corner of
battery box will be further checked from underside once the rear subframe is
removed , the rear of the spare wheel housing had what appears to be a pool
of the black ecoat material which is bl**dy hard seem to remember seeing something
like it back in the day , with the boot floor being in exalt condition for a forty year old
gave it a couple of coats of epoxy primer for now will be all redone when it comes
to the refinishing phase. All for now thanks for looking and comments.