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Rocker Switches To Spst Toggle Switch Conversion


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#1 Ovalworks


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 09:22 PM

Recently jumped into an electrical project on my 1990 Rover Mini Sky.  I am in the middle of converting the interior dash to a more custom/classic look. I searched the forums and web extensively and could not find an easy to follow post that helped much or fit my needs.  I found some toggle switches I liked, but since they were Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switches, I had to get creative in adapting these to the original rocker switch setup.  I ended up splitting the light switch into two toggles (running and headlights).  The rear defrost was a direct crossover, and I eliminated the brake fluid level indicator switch.  I added a radiator fan switch, and lastly, I had a lot of stuff to figure out on the hazards... I ended up reading a post here on the forum (will not mention), and after recreating it, found that it only worked with the ignition on (not good).  So I started from scratch and taught myself wiring concepts and came up with the below schematic.  I then wired it up to test theory against practical application and presto...happy camper.  

Disclaimer:  I originally wired it using a third relay, but this allowed back-feed current to the ignition switch which, although functional, was not great.  Have since eliminated the 3rd relay and installed two uni-directional diodes (SB560 Schottky) into the "hot" lines.  Hope this write-up helps those looking to do similar conversions.

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#2 tiger99


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 11:25 AM

Please be aware that on a late model car like that, fitting protrusions such as toggle switches in that area is almost certainly illegal, and the brake failure warning lamp test switch is a legal requirement, to say nothing of whatever other lack of integrity you have introduced into the electrical system, especially the headlights. I strongly recommend putting it all back to its normal configuration before someone is killed. A car is a safety-critical piece of machinery, not a fashion accessory, and it takes far more knowledge and experience than you have to carry out pointless modifications like these safely.

#3 Scousemouse


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 04:18 PM

Don'i venture outta your cave the dinosaurs might getcha!!! O_O

Maybe if you used the switch facia out of a BINNI it'll keep him happy...because they have little bent bars around the toggles :proud:  :proud:

Edited by Scousemouse, 20 December 2016 - 04:23 PM.

#4 venkman


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 04:38 PM

You could by a plug and play set from "wired by Wilson" looks very similar to what he supplies.

#5 Richie83


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:25 PM

Please be aware that on a late model car like that, fitting protrusions such as toggle switches in that area is almost certainly illegal, and the brake failure warning lamp test switch is a legal requirement, to say nothing of whatever other lack of integrity you have introduced into the electrical system, especially the headlights. I strongly recommend putting it all back to its normal configuration before someone is killed. A car is a safety-critical piece of machinery, not a fashion accessory, and it takes far more knowledge and experience than you have to carry out pointless modifications like these safely.

toggle switches are illegal?

#6 Scousemouse


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 07:32 PM


Please be aware that on a late model car like that, fitting protrusions such as toggle switches in that area is almost certainly illegal, and the brake failure warning lamp test switch is a legal requirement, to say nothing of whatever other lack of integrity you have introduced into the electrical system, especially the headlights. I strongly recommend putting it all back to its normal configuration before someone is killed. A car is a safety-critical piece of machinery, not a fashion accessory, and it takes far more knowledge and experience than you have to carry out pointless modifications like these safely.

toggle switches are illegal?


How many people do you know that died....."impaled on toggle switches"

Attached File  tag 002.JPG   62.2K   12 downloads

Once got flubbered to pieces by a mates furry dice!

Edited by Scousemouse, 20 December 2016 - 07:33 PM.

#7 Richie83


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:02 PM


Please be aware that on a late model car like that, fitting protrusions such as toggle switches in that area is almost certainly illegal, and the brake failure warning lamp test switch is a legal requirement, to say nothing of whatever other lack of integrity you have introduced into the electrical system, especially the headlights. I strongly recommend putting it all back to its normal configuration before someone is killed. A car is a safety-critical piece of machinery, not a fashion accessory, and it takes far more knowledge and experience than you have to carry out pointless modifications like these safely.

toggle switches are illegal?

How many people do you know that died....."impaled on toggle switches"
tag 002.JPG
Once got flubbered to pieces by a mates furry dice!
exactly. How or why would they be illegal?

#8 Cooperman


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:02 PM

Oh dear! I just fitted a pair of toggle switches to my Land-Rover for the driving lights and fog-lights. 

I also helped my son fit a load of toggle switches to his 1978 Escort RS2000 historic rally car.

#9 Richie83


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:03 PM

Oh dear! I just fitted a pair of toggle switches to my Land-Rover for the driving lights and fog-lights. 
I also helped my son fit a load of toggle switches to his 1978 Escort RS2000 historic rally car.

perhaps prepare yourself for jail ;-)

#10 Scousemouse


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:14 PM

Just have to wear a pair of kneepads when driving :D  :D

#11 Ethel


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 10:35 PM

Toggle switches aren't illegal per se. There might technically be an issue over CE approval, or similar, and there are rules and regulations about standardised symbols, a commercial site such a Car Builder Solutions, Vehicle Wiring Products... will have info.


What I think Tiger is talking about is best described in the IVA Manual, if you read it, you'll understand why the Bini had those hoops and how the issue can be avoided all together if the switches are in the prescribed area behind the steering wheel. It's best practice, but isn't strictly applicable to every car, depending on its age and if you've done enough major mods to require putting it through and IVA test.


You will definitely need some tell tale lights to satisfy an MoT tester. The brake test issue can be sidestepped with a switch on the handbrake, like most "modern" cars.

#12 tiger99


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 08:20 AM

The protrusions are illegal on cars made after a certain date only, so some clasic cars can use toggles. Indeed any can if they are fitted in the area protected by the steering wheel. That is not what might kill people, although in exceptional instances it might badly affect the outcome of an accident, such as gouging out an eye. Bodging the lighting circuits is what will potentially kill people. It is very likely that aditional single point failure modes have been added which will take out both headlights. That increases the risk of a serious crash. And, are the toggle switches rated for the high inrush current of cold headlight bulbs?

As I suggested, don't mess about with safety critical systems unless you are fully competent to do so.

#13 cooperdan


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 09:39 AM



Please be aware that on a late model car like that, fitting protrusions such as toggle switches in that area is almost certainly illegal, and the brake failure warning lamp test switch is a legal requirement, to say nothing of whatever other lack of integrity you have introduced into the electrical system, especially the headlights. I strongly recommend putting it all back to its normal configuration before someone is killed. A car is a safety-critical piece of machinery, not a fashion accessory, and it takes far more knowledge and experience than you have to carry out pointless modifications like these safely.

toggle switches are illegal?


How many people do you know that died....."impaled on toggle switches"

attachicon.giftag 002.JPG

Once got flubbered to pieces by a mates furry dice!


I know so many fatalities by toggle in the eye

#14 Cooperman


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 09:59 AM

So who can confirm where and when a classic Mini failed an MoT because it had a couple of toggle switches fitted for the auxiliary lights?
As for illegal, well so is breaking the speed limit and I reckon I do that at some point on most days 😕.

#15 Baldspeed Racing

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Posted 21 December 2016 - 10:08 AM

been running toggle switches in mine for years and never had any MOT issues, I prefer them and they last a lot longer than the standard switches

like the above Wired by Wilson sell some well nice panels and plug n play pretty much

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