Today i finished off the companion bin bottoms and gave the insides of them a coat of paint before the floor went in.
I also decided to give the outsides of them a skim of filler whilst the floor was out to save struggling afterwards.
So after the floor and seat base were drilled for plug welding, i put the floor back in for the last time, checked all measurements for the berzillionth time and bolted the rear frame back in

And then it was onto the welding.

I have plug welded the floor to the bottom of the companion bins too

I also added some seam welds along the front edge of the floor pan to the toe board from underneath and the same on the heelboard
No pictures of this yet as i forgot and other seam welds will be added from inside once the brace frame is out of the way.
Then i moved onto the closing panels at the back.
Here is one finished.

The other side is partially welded in but unfinished.
Tomorrow, ill finish the closing panels, fix the quarter panels and install the companion bin closing panels, finish up round the back and then move onto the flitches and door steps, one of which needs to be replaced.