Yesterday I painted the engine

And then continued modifying the bulkhead
These are not needed

The brake valve captive nut is in the wrong place


And a few other holes were blanked up and re drilled elsewhere

With that done, It was time to start aligning it onto the car.
That brings us to this morning..
Its very straightforward when you have a toeboard already in as the whole lot is pretty much self jigging.
Clamp the top flush with the dash rail and let the bottom fall into the recesses in the toeboard for the brake and fuel lines

The bottom of the bulkhead should hang beyond the toeboard by about 5-7mm so that seemed fine. Then it was just a case of lifting the bulkhead/dash rail up until we get the correct screen aperture measurements and clampin the bottom to the toeboard.

Its important not to skip this stage as the dash rail can sag in the middle with the weight of the bulkhead hanging on it. I started off with a 420mm measurement before lifting it back to 411.
Once I was happy, I added 4 spot welds at the top to secure it to the dash rail and a few either corner at the bottom. Ill finish the top once the scuttle is on and the bottom once the inner wings are on. We need to first make sure that the return on the bottom of the flitches follow the floor and toeboard nicely before getting too carried away.
Anyway, inner wings clamped on

Again, you cant really go wrong as everything ties into the toeboard and A posts so as long as the door hinge holes line up and the shock top mounts line up and also the aforementioned lower flitches follow the floor and toeboard tightly, then its gotta be right.
I could get all carried away at this point and screw everything together and clamp the wings and front panel on but everything looks so good that I am confident its correct.
I did get the doors bolted on though to check.
Just a couple of spot welds required so the clamps can come off

And then doors on

The are fine.
So is the scuttle fitment

It all sits naturally exactly where it needs to without any tension etc.
And I am now calling that ready to weld on this afternoon
