Looking great!
Why black wheel arch moulding only on the front?
That's how the car was when Ben got it, I am unsure what looks better with or without the gasket?
Posted 01 February 2017 - 05:04 PM
Looking great!
Why black wheel arch moulding only on the front?
That's how the car was when Ben got it, I am unsure what looks better with or without the gasket?
Posted 01 February 2017 - 05:37 PM
Looking great!
Why black wheel arch moulding only on the front?
That's how the car was when Ben got it, I am unsure what looks better with or without the gasket?
Without in my opinion!
Posted 01 February 2017 - 06:38 PM
Looking great!
Why black wheel arch moulding only on the front?
That's how the car was when Ben got it, I am unsure what looks better with or without the gasket?
Without in my opinion!
The rear arch trims were removed when it came in so i fitted the front gaskets hoping that John had the ones for the rear arches when he removed them.
It looks better without in the photos but in reality, i think it needs them as the arch trims are out of shape in places so there is some slight gaps between them and the body, especially on the front which the gasket fills nicely.
Posted 01 February 2017 - 08:10 PM
I flatted an polished the other side this morning and fitted the stripes
And then fitted the new water pump
And that's the assembly complete!
Whilst it was up in the air for me to finish waxing the underside, i thought i would take some pictures of the underside
And then outside for a wash off
It just needs an MOT now but the next available appointment we have is Tuesday but i'm hoping we can squeeze it in before then.
Posted 01 February 2017 - 08:24 PM
You have done a fantastic job, the Mini looks really great, have you managed to take it for a road test yet?
Many thanks
PS I do have the gaskets for the rear arches.
Edited by JXC Mini GT, 01 February 2017 - 08:27 PM.
Posted 01 February 2017 - 08:50 PM
You have done a fantastic job, the Mini looks really great, have you managed to take it for a road test yet?
Many thanks
PS I do have the gaskets for the rear arches.
I'm glad you like it John.
I can't wait for you to come down and see it in the flesh.
I haven't taken it for a road test yet as it's been manic again today but i will try and get out for a quick spin tomorrow.
I will take it for a longer drive once it has it's MOT just to make sure there are no issues prior to collection.
Posted 02 February 2017 - 05:23 PM
Hats off to you that thing is stunning! I love the finish underneath that as well.
Stunning little GT!
Posted 02 February 2017 - 05:59 PM
Even though it's lovely orange it's a beautiful peach
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:03 PM
I gave it a wax up this morning and then tucked it up in the spray booth away from the dust of the workshop.
This was the last Mini Colin will be painting with us as this was his last week at Mill Road Garage. He is leaving for Bridgend in Wales where he will be painting for a company there.
So it's just me now.
Anyway, here are the photos i took once it was waxed
It really has been a pleasure to work on.
Ill update next week once it's MOT'd
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:15 PM
The GT looks as though it's fresh off the production line, but I know it's better than that because of the care and attention to detail you have taken with the works, the finish is more than I could have hoped for. Great work by you and Colin (you must be sorry to see him go).
Many thanks
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:21 PM
The GT looks as though it's fresh off the production line, but I know it's better than that because of the care and attention to detail you have taken with the works, the finish is more than I could have hoped for. Great work by you and Colin (you must be sorry to see him go).
Many thanks
No problem at all John.
As i said, glad to do it
I'm pleased for Colin as he has been wanting to move from the Island for some time now. It's just a shame you won't get to meet him when you come down.
He has said to me today that he hopes you are happy with the result and would like me to let him know if you were pleased with it.
In time, we may get another painter but for the time being, i shall undertake all of the paintwork as well as panel work.
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:30 PM
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:54 PM
the top decal line is peeling off the passenger a panel... ;)
Posted 02 February 2017 - 08:11 PM
No problem, i have plenty of spare
Posted 02 February 2017 - 09:49 PM
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