Removed the flywheel today to fit a new clutch. Putting it all back together I'm now questioning if it was assembled correctly in the first place. Question really relates to drive straps and also the diaphragm plate/spring. Take a look at the first photo below...
That's taken with the backplate supported off my workbench, new friction plate sitting on top of it, then the flywheel resting on top of that. You'll see a gap between the backplate post and the drive strap (approx 0.8mm ... almost the thickness of a single drive strap). I understand that the gap should be zero, so do I:
a) add 0.8mm thick washer in the gap, or
b) do I machine down the 3/8" spacer that's bolting the other end of the drive strap to the flywheel... or
c) is either method OK?
Or shouldn't I be thinking about setting the above until I've looked at the assembly with the diaphragm spring/housing sitting on top of it (see 2nd photo)?
There's a gap of approx 2mm between the top of the drive strap and diaphragm housing. I'm guessing that's too small (even if I took into account the other .8mm under the strap that a total of <3mm ).
Now here's the bit I've never fully understood... am I correct in thinking that when this assembly is bolted together that diaphragm spring should be compressed so that it is no longer conical, instead flattened so that is is parallel with the flywheel face. Yes? If so then I guess that's why I've seen a video and a few posts with the assembly in a pillar press and using a DTI gauge to measure how much movement is needed to 'make things flat'.
Eyeballing my diaphragm spring it looks like it would take 4mm compression to flatten it. If that's the case then it won't be fully flat when I clamp this assembly together ('because there's <3mm gap in my assembly).
So... if the above is sound reasoning on my behalf, then should I machine down the backplate posts, or use only 2 drive straps per post (currently using 3 but going to 2 might make the gap big enough???), or should I be doing something else?
And if it's of any relevance it's a 9.5lb lightweight flywheel, AP Road/Rally clutch plate, standard back plate, orange diaphragm spring, 1380cc/90+bhp, 3.44cwp.
And why was I digging around in the clutch today... trying to see if it had anything to do with a "dry clatter" noise I'm hearing very occasionally for a second or two when bringing the clutch back up (i.e. re-engaging drive). I've only heard this happen when in reverse, or when going into 1st immediately after reverse. I say 'dry clatter' as it doesn't sound like the oil-damped sound I'd expect if it were inside the gearbox. However, when I stripped the clutch/flywheel down all looked pretty OK (except for the drive strap question above). So if it is not related to any of the above then I'm guessing it's most likely a problem with the idler gear/bearing
Edited by colinu, 03 October 2016 - 07:30 AM.