I just bought a Z Cars K20 kit out of a mini that was in an accident. The previous owner hit a wall and smashed up front end. I think the rear end may also be bent. Today I dropped my engine into the frame and although it went in quite well and everything seemed to line up, I noticed the mounts are not straight. Upon further investigation it looks like the bottom part of frame that runs horizontal where the trailing arms bolt to is not straight, it is a little bowed. The problem I am having is im not sure if it is meant to be bowed or not. Could anyone confirm? Once confirmed I will look into getting the frame straightened. I would love to see other people's mounts also to see if they look same as mine or if they are straight. I have attached pictures of mounts and the part of frame that I think is bowed. Thanks for reading :)
You can see the mount does not look straight
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Same with this side
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What I believe to be the tweaked part of frame
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