Wow, 15 months since my last update!
Things have been real busy, although not on the coupe unfortunately.
To cut a long story short, we brought our first house in June 2017.... completely gutted the place down to the bare blocks, and then working every evening and weekend, knock walls down, add new ones, add downstairs toilet, knock through kitchen diner, patio doors, windows, re wire, re plumb, boiler, bathroom, kitchen, flooring, doors, skirting, tiling, blinds etc...... the only things original are 80% of the windows, front door and the roof.
Unbelievable amount of effort and hard work, help from family members and luckily being a tradesman I had a lot of friends to help, a lot of big favours are owed haha.
April 2018 we moved in and last week the kitchen was finished! Still the odd job left to do
I may start a new thread but you get the idea
Downstairs loo
Was bedroom, now dining room
Not fully up to date but you get the jist..
We're both so happy with the result, and being done in what I think is a short amount of time... well working part time on it anyway, has given me a massive boost, feeling really positive and hopefully I can apply the same level of energy into the gtm, I want to keep the ball rolling!!!
It's still in the grandparents garage, looking sorry for itself. I haven't got round to clearing ours out yet as it's full of building materials.
Here's a sneak peak of what I was getting into a week before we got the keys to the house...