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Home Brewed Micra Mini

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#121 alaskanow0


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Posted 13 October 2016 - 07:27 PM

I weighed mine. 52kg for complete engine & head with no flywheel. 35kg for gearbox. So about 95-100kg complete.

I'm finding weight difference a disadvantage with in comes to grip in the wet. That's combined with100ft/lb of torque from 2800rpm my car seems to spin the wheels far to easy even in just damp conditions.

My car now weighs 690kg and was previously 712kg inc alloy 7 port head, lightened flywheel etc. I know my Allspeed frame is about 8kg heavier though.

Edited by alaskanow0, 13 October 2016 - 07:37 PM.

#122 alaskanow0


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Posted 13 October 2016 - 07:28 PM

I also find the engine sits lower than a 'a series' and helps centre of gravity, and actually the left to right weight is pretty simlar inc flywheel, starter etc.

Edited by alaskanow0, 13 October 2016 - 07:35 PM.

#123 micraminiman


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:32 PM

Hi folks,

 Have now got the alternator mounted and found a belt the right length.

The clutch is also working using the Micra's cable and a larger bulkhead mount plate. The pedal box has been modified to prevent flexing as you can see in the pic.

 I also made a new dipstick head..... ;-)

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#124 micraminiman


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:36 PM

A few pics of the Mini with the front fitted onto the new subframe.

4" stainless door hinges with stainless studs welded onto them do the flipping. All works nicely.

Also a wee Disney style pic of the Mini done by "cartoon my car" on Facebook for a bit of fun. The kids love it!

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Edited by micraminiman, 08 December 2016 - 09:50 PM.

#125 micraminiman


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:39 PM

Few more random pics. Master cylinder fitted.

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#126 micraminiman


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:43 PM

Have found an Mpi radiator, and also a Mini thermostat housing. It fits the Micra engine nicely, and should give a neater solution for the top hose.

 Will need to finalise the radiator location when the front end is fitted this weekend but it looks like it will fit in nicely.


This weekend is a steering column rebuild with new top and bottom plastic bushes, pinch bolt for the splines and a new big nut for the wheel. All the small jobs that take time and money!

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#127 Archived2


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 10:17 AM

That fits in nicely mate. Looking good!

#128 McMini 22

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Posted 09 December 2016 - 11:07 AM

Looks great. Pretty tight to the master cylinder!

#129 paulrockliffe


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 11:32 AM

How much clearance do you have to the bottom of the bonnet?  (Sorry if it's in the thread somewhere, I'll read the lot when I get the chance later)


I'm working out a long-term plan for my Minus and was looking at the 1l Ford Ecoboost engine, but I think it's just too tall.  I need 3" clearance on a normal car to get it in a Minus.



#130 fuzzy-hair-man


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 12:32 PM

How much clearance do you have to the bottom of the bonnet?
I'm working out a long-term plan for my Minus and was looking at the 1l Ford Ecoboost engine, but I think it's just too tall.  I need 3" clearance on a normal car to get it in a Minus.

It's going to depend on how low you sit the engine in the bay, I'd guess mine is slightly lower ground clearance than original, clearance on the bonnet would not be much over 1 inch maybe 1 1/2 inches.(very hard to see with the bonnet on). My bonnet has the crossbrace on the underside, removing these might gain some more. The rest would have to come by lowering the engine.
The closest is the top front of the camcover, tilting it forward may buy a bit more clearance to the bonnet, but if I remember correctly you lose ground clearance and it makes things tighter at the front.
Another option might be too run an electric water pump and delete the current one and you should be able to move the engine back in the bay but then the diff becomes a problem but perhaps one of the smaller micra gearboxes might help? You'll have to check it out.

#131 micraminiman


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 11:35 AM

That fits in nicely mate. Looking good!


It fits perfectly. I'm really happy with it, thanks.

Might turn it upside down yet, as Ive seen that done and it looks good. Will fit the front end back on and decide how it best fits then start making some mounts for it.

#132 micraminiman


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 11:42 AM

Looks great. Pretty tight to the master cylinder!


 Thanks, I'm delighted with how its going so far.

 It is quite tight, but there's a 20mm gap between the union and the inlet plenum so should be ok. Shingler had issues with the inlet touching the master cylinder, but its nothing a wee bash with a hammer wouldn't solve quickly if need be!

#133 micraminiman


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 11:47 AM

How much clearance do you have to the bottom of the bonnet?  (Sorry if it's in the thread somewhere, I'll read the lot when I get the chance later)


I'm working out a long-term plan for my Minus and was looking at the 1l Ford Ecoboost engine, but I think it's just too tall.  I need 3" clearance on a normal car to get it in a Minus.




 There is a fair bit of room, but my CG13 is fitted 25mm higher than most mount theirs. Here is a pic with the front closed for an idea.

I had to get the throttlebody lowered slightly as it was hitting the bonnets crossmember but it now fits nicely.

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#134 micraminiman


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Posted 22 December 2016 - 10:58 AM

Im now waiting on all the parts for the fuel system arriving home so I can get it all fitted during the holidays.

10 meters of 8mm copper Microbore pipe for the feed and return pipes, some flexible braided rubber fuel line, various clips and grommets, and a glass and chrome fuel filter.

 The pipes will run through the inside of the car, on the passenger side instead of underneath. All the clips etc from the bottom of the floor were removed years ago, and all the original holes welded up ready.

 The brake pipe will  run along the top of the tunnel, via a bias valve next to the handbrake, and the battery cable will run along the drivers side inside as well, keeping the underside of the floor perfectly smooth.

Edited by micraminiman, 22 December 2016 - 10:59 AM.

#135 l_jonez


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Posted 22 December 2016 - 05:00 PM

Might be better to run the battery cable along the passenger side as the starter is now on the passenger side ?

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