Maybe it would be right enough. Will have to find a suitable cable that is a wee bit longer than the original then. Must have a look and see whats available online. Thanks.

Home Brewed Micra Mini
Posted 23 December 2016 - 08:50 AM
Posted 23 December 2016 - 11:10 AM
Posted 23 December 2016 - 11:28 AM
Hope so. I still have the old cable somewhere, but kinda knew I would want a new cable eventually so it could be anywhere!
No point using it when everything else on the car is brand new.
Posted 23 December 2016 - 02:00 PM
A more desperate option would be to find some jumper leads the right length but I'm sure you'll find some.
Posted 23 December 2016 - 02:00 PM
A more desperate option would be to find some jumper leads the right length but I'm sure you'll find some.
Posted 13 April 2017 - 03:43 PM
Not posted here for ages as Ive just been posting to the facebook group instead.
Finally feel Im getting somewhere. Just need driveshafts and loom yet to get it running, then pull it all back apart again for painting.
Mpi radiator is fitted in the front, and all piped in using silicone hoses. Dashboard has been made and the Micra clocks etc modified and fitted in place.
Using the Micra stalks and ignition barrel and it all works nicely.
Have all new brakes for it too, front and back. Spent ages debating using the old stuff but just went to town and bought everything new, so all mechanical components on it are brand new. Why not? lol
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Posted 14 April 2017 - 01:54 PM
Posted 14 April 2017 - 01:59 PM
Interested how you got the stalks to mount on the mini column. Can you share details and pics?
Me too!
After exhaust and fuel system I am on to the wiring.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 10:16 AM
Hi guys, they were a real pain to fit, but totally worth it.
I cut the mount for the stalks off the Micras column, and turned up a bush to fit between the slightly larger ID of the stalk mount flange, and the minis column. This was all welded together and now allows the micra stalks to simply screw into place exactly as they did in the micra.
I did the same for the ignition barrel, but cut the bush in half and drilled a hole in one half to allow fitment. The steering lock uses the original slot in the shaft for the mini, and it all functions perfectly. Either weld this in place or do as I did and fit a dowel pin to prevent the barrel turning on the column.
I also turned a short tube to allow the self cancelling on the indicator stalk to work. It joins the steering wheel boss and the white plastic ring in the center of the stalks that cancels the indicators. I remade this in alloy now instead of the black plastic prototype, and polished it up.
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Edited by micraminiman, 02 May 2017 - 12:54 PM.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 01:03 PM
Seriously contemplating buying a set of allspeed driveshafts and adjusting engine position slightly if needed.
What are your thoughts?
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:01 PM
Pricey and as a cg engine will never push massive bhp not worth while. if you were doing a high hp build etc you wouldn't even be asking this question you would just buy them
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:50 PM
Went and ordered a set of shafts from Allspeed. Very expensive, but hopefully worth it.
Making shafts has been bothering me a lot, and somewhat putting off completion of the conversion for a while now.
Have seen home made shafts break, and explode on other folks cars before and its been giving me the "heebiejeebies" as they say here in Scotland.
Done now......
Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:24 AM
Had a friend thats got a full Allspeed setup in his Mini do some measurements for me last night, and my engine is sitting in exactly the same location as his is.
That means the driveshafts will be a straight fit into my Mini with no alterations needed. Im actually delighted I did this now. Going to get the wiring loom installed now asap and get this engine running!
Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:33 AM
This is the location of my engine. The Allspeed sits around 0.5" further forward, but the same side to side.
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Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:50 AM
I bought a 2 box RC40 exhaust system, and made up a link downpipe to join to the standard Mini system. I used a Rover 400 downpipe, and made it up from those parts, including the flexi. I had to buy a reducer for the end, and welded it all together. Gave it a coat of cold galvy spray and fitted.
Looks ok to me, hope it sounds good....
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Edited by micraminiman, 03 May 2017 - 07:51 AM.
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