The quality of rubber components has been a problem for many years now on low volume production for classic cars.......
Quality rubber parts like CV boots are available for Mini's in Japan but in the UK most owners buy on price......the Japanese had made them because the quality of rubber gaiters etc from the UK had got steadily worse since the Rover mass production orders for OEM parts ended and old stock ran out. A few people will be happy to pay a premium for a genuine quality part, but when another firm see that someone is selling a rubber boot for £30 they up the price of their crap imported Chinese rubber boot and sell loads at a premium, the real premium ones then get a bad name & most people go back to buying the cheap bargain Chinese ones that perish in a year.....
The people supplying Minispares will say their stuff is perfect but as it never shows up as a problem until several months later it is obviously harder to sort out problems for disappointed customers with no alternative supply. Minispares try to source rubber parts that will last, but as with anything with Minis its difficult to justify a product that's going to cost three or fours times more than an identical looking product sold elsewhere and ordered in very low volumes (for the car industry).
Quality Of Mini Spares Rubber Parts:-
Rogue Parts (MCR forum):-
Edited by mab01uk, 10 June 2016 - 07:50 PM.