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Car Sos - Mini Cooper (Thursday)

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#31 minifreek1


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:05 PM

Car SOS is quite good, the cars they restore are affordable classics....


Wheeler dealers NEVER do a run of the mill car that everyone can afford..... its always a car thats out of the reach of many people.... have they run out of British cars where they have to go to the USA to restore cars over there....


They can restore my V6 2.5 Vauxhall Omega if they wish, I'll even tell them whats needed for it to get back to A1 condition....

#32 Craig89


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 06:12 PM


Affordable cars?

These car shows are always spoilt buy an annoying presenter. They obviously feel the need for it but I dont get it.

My Dad was actually in the Datsun CarSOS episode where they filmed at Jenvey. As you can imagine its all a big set up, all scripted etc. Sorry if this spoils the illusion for anyone



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Posted 07 June 2016 - 07:11 PM


Affordable cars?

These car shows are always spoilt buy an annoying presenter. They obviously feel the need for it but I dont get it.

My Dad was actually in the Datsun CarSOS episode where they filmed at Jenvey. As you can imagine its all a big set up, all scripted etc. Sorry if this spoils the illusion for anyone

I must admit I find Tim Shaw funny. "On the nose"!

#34 mab01uk


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 09:59 PM


I haven't watched the episode yet, but am planning on doing so today sometime...


Its a good show, but could do without the Tim comedy bit, even Wheeler Dealers is a good show, but could do without Mike Brewer.... but theres always got to be the comedy bit on the side....


Agreed, is anyone watching the new series wheeler Dealers Mike  is even pushing Ed out of the garage to do whole segments of the work himself.


i much preferred wheeler dealers when it was just a quick two minute segment of Mike buying the car and the rest of it Ed explaining in detail what he is doing on the cars up until the sale. 


Don't the producers get that people don't watch these shows for the jeopardy or comedy they watch because they want to see like minded people talking passionately about the cars/work they are doing and maybe learn a few things on the way.



TV producers go for mass audiences that the advertisers want....Mark Evans 'Car is Born' series was dropped because it was not 'dumbed down' enough for current TV audiences to be attracted in large numbers before channel hopping to something less taxing for short attention spans........(see below)

Below is the reply to an email asking Mark Evans if he had thought about doing 'A Mini is Born' tv series back in 2008:
Thanks for your email.
More than thought about it - proposed a series to Discovery as a tribute to it.
But, see my note below.
All the best,

"I have received loads of emails from fans of my 'Is Born' shows asking what's next. Sadly, Discovery Real Time have said that its audience isn't after my kind of workshop series any more, so there are no new projects on the horizon. Really sorry. I would love to do more.
If that bothers you, a few suggestions. You can contact Discovery Real Time via the viewer feedback part of its website to let them know what you want to watch."

Edited by mab01uk, 07 June 2016 - 10:02 PM.



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Posted 07 June 2016 - 10:31 PM

I didn't enjoy the show.  Which was a pity because I had expected to.  I rather lost interest when I was told told that the ancient rubber suspension cones were "hard to find" now.


Much more than that, as the owner of a red Mini with a white roof which left the factory like that, I was infuriated at the cliched 'works' respray!


Cooper S's - all Minis - came in lots of different and more interesting colour schemes.  Equally, if you want to maiintain the value of an old car, even a largely phony one, it always pays to keep hold of any vestige of provenance.



#36 minivan2007


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 10:33 PM

Can't stand watching Car SOS at the best of times, only watched this one because it was a Mini but nodded off after first half hour, recorded it so will catchup with the rest of this cringe making episode with the aid of the fast forward button sometime.....
Highlight of show:-
when the engine reconditioning guys point out the 'special plate' on the rocker cover that meant it had a Weslake race head......... :lol:

I had a laugh about that too thought I wouldn't want to take my engine their thats when I turned it off

#37 minifreek1


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Posted 08 June 2016 - 07:12 AM

I watched the Mini Car SAS programme last night, and quite enjoyed it to be honest


The bit where he went and blagged the parts from that classic suppliers was a bit **** and the part where he got a full set of genuine Minilites too was also quite crap, the factory workers - I must admit - did look very bewildered by Tim being an 'alloy production inspector'.... If I tried that Id be arrested LOL


Also the part where he said that the rubber suspension was very rare and hard to find...... ********..... I actually spat some coffee out when he said that... I said to the wife that I can give her a web address where you can buy a complete set of rubbers and trumpets... and any other part that would be needed...




the 'Is Born' series was brilliant, and very good... The other series Mark Evans did - Wreck Rescue - was also very good too, especially the big truck that was 'found' rotting away on a piece of land with trees growing around and in it... LOL

Edited by minifreek1, 08 June 2016 - 07:16 AM.

#38 bangermadness08


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Posted 08 June 2016 - 09:25 AM

I love sos used to be awsome with top gear wheeler dealers and this and now the last 2 have lost it its just sos for me each series gets better and better ice learned a huge amount there's no short cuts about them

#39 ChopperHarris


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Posted 09 June 2016 - 09:18 PM

tedious dross....I fecking hate "jeapordy tv"....Brians brain tumour might not let him drive his Allegro because they cant find the right bonnet badge...perleeeeasssse!

#40 Mk1Dave


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Posted 12 June 2016 - 03:35 PM

Just watched it. Quite enjoyed the program. But my inner anorak isn't impressed.

#41 inim_repooc


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Posted 13 June 2016 - 07:35 PM

I don't have Sky :( Has anyone found somewhere else to view this?


Edited by inim_repooc, 13 June 2016 - 07:35 PM.

#42 Wise Old Elf

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Posted 13 June 2016 - 08:34 PM

Have seen it now thanks :) 

#43 Keith55


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Posted 14 June 2016 - 06:41 PM

Hi it's my car on tv I am trying to find more history of the car before I purchased it in 1974. We have traced the Longman head to John Chappel of Howley Racing. Would like to find out where it went to after he had it.
Longman G T 9 (Fitted with 1.4 inlet valves)(29 exhaust )

#44 hitch436


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Posted 24 June 2016 - 09:46 AM

was it me or did the car have mk2 badges on the front and mk2 lights and yet it was supposed to be a 1962?

Edited by hitch436, 24 June 2016 - 09:54 AM.

#45 Compdoc


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Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:14 AM

Hi it's my car on tv I am trying to find more history of the car before I purchased it in 1974. We have traced the Longman head to John Chappel of Howley Racing. Would like to find out where it went to after he had it.
Longman G T 9 (Fitted with 1.4 inlet valves)(29 exhaust )

Hello Keith, sorry can't help with the Longman head, but welcome to the forum anyway. As you've probably noticed already, there are lots of members that want to tell you what you can and can't do with your own car. But this is because most on here are passionate about the car they drive and incidently, provide some of the best information on the Internet for the classic mini.

Good luck with the head history.

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