I've had some correspondence back from our bearing designers on this.
They have said that the bronze based materials should not be used for this application, the surface speeds (RPMs) are way too high for dry running. Some Bronze Bush materials can withstand dry running up to (what works out to be) 410 RPM on a continuous basis ramping up to a max of (what works out to be) an absolute upper limit of 2940 RPM for very short times and allowing for a cooling period between. They did say that increasing the clearances will reduce the likelyhood of siezure, however it does not remove the high wear rate that our crankshafts would see as they only have a hardness of 240 - 300 HB. If that were increased to around 800 HB or higher, then this would be less of an issue (off hand, I think that's getting in to Nitrided territory).
For the most part, this confirms my own findings and what we are all seeing.
While they didn't spend time on it, they did say that if pressure fed with Oil, it would be highly likely satisfactory.
They did suggest a couple of materials, however, curiously, they suggested Deva as being the best option.
AC - based on this, I would express caution at what you are doing, though I'll leave that to you. I feel you've had a run of good luck here.
I've also had some correspondence back from Deva. Due to the high ranging applications and grades of the material as well as their (usual) short lead times for manufacture, they don't hold it in stock. They are coming back to me on this.