So as predicted a few days of duff-ish weather meant working in the garage on the engine and sorting through various parts (electrical mainly) to start really thinking about the wiring. Also had to do some non-mini stuff (who knew there was such a thing!) so didn't spend that much time on the car
Engine back in one piece (de-coke. lap valves - inlets were in VGC but gave them a light go anyway - valve seals, timing chain and seal, diff seals, gear selector seal, new water pump, new heater tap, new engine mountings clean and paint
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Seats in (Alfa 147 in case anyone wants to know) - as there are no really defined mountings in the car it meant whatever seats I used would need bespoke mounting so tried to pick something comfortable (Ebay as per usual) mounted opposite side round as the reclining knob was too close to the inner sill to use comfortably - the seat back release is still easily reachable on the inside.
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It was a whole set so I have the rear seat covers so hopefully will find someone willing to recover the rear with used material. Trial fitting as there was no seat originally also the body is slightly different in that area meaning nothing to support the seat base in the middle so will need to knock something up. Rear seat also Ebay - 99p bargain - but I had to collect from Leicester so probably 10 quid's worth of diesel...?
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Pedal box (and master cylinders - no pic) steering column and dash rails
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Fuel tank and rear lights - also managed to find a NOS Smiths HRW - the backing paper was a bit crinkled so there are a couple of bits not quite perfect but on the whole it went on OK (and I managed to get it centred (-ish!!)
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