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Minus Maxi (Fsr Fabrications)

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#16 Itsaminithing


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 04:47 PM

Looks great, jealous. Was desperate for the blue one that went on ebay the other week but had to put my sensible head on :shy:


Didn't see that one, was it BOC 493K?

Grey wouldn't have been my choice of colour but at least this Minus Maxi has found a worthwhile owner.... & i really like the skirts being painted black - not something i would have thought of doing but it works well.

#17 pdaykin


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 06:11 PM

Never seems these before. As a Rancho lover I find these strangely appealing.

#18 Itsaminithing


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 11:01 AM

Looks great, jealous. Was desperate for the blue one that went on ebay the other week but had to put my sensible head on :shy:

If you've completely lost the plot you can now buy BOC 493K for £1800!!!


#19 humph


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 12:44 PM

ended already!

#20 chadd123


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Posted 08 June 2017 - 12:23 PM

i lost the plot and bought it

#21 Itsaminithing


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Posted 08 June 2017 - 06:54 PM

You paid THAT much! :blink:

Makes me happy.... at least it's one more Minus Maxi owned by someone who will look after it (& not strip it for bits).

#22 chadd123


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Posted 08 June 2017 - 09:50 PM

I know i paid way over the top,but this was a once in a lifetime chance,and i love my plastic cars

#23 mini-mad-mark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 09:06 PM

Hi Chadd123,

Hadn't checked this thread for a while as I guess they are not THE most popular variant out there.


When  BOC was on Ebay I asked the then owner to pass on my details so I could chat to the new owner (and maybe start the smallest car owners club in the world!!) but guess they didn't.


Progress has stalled on mine totally at the moment due to other commitments (basically keeping the other two minis running plus the usual guff like work and so forth)


Not sure I have any direct questions for a fellow owner at this point as its mostly straightforward stuff I would say except the wiring which I like doing and am OK with so not really fazing me, if anything looking forward to that bit as it will be near the end of the project by then.


by the way I paid £1200 for Marmite on ebay and was assured no problems driving anywhere


It was running/driving (just) with 11.5 months MoT so I drove from Taunton to Northampton - with the head gasket gone - a drive I NEVER want to make again (55mph downhill, 45 on the flat and 25 or less up hill..... and the smoke......)  - when i took the head off someone had used hylomar on both sides of the gasket !?!?!?!   :xxx:


What's your plans for it - Good luck whatever you do



Regards, Mark

#24 humph


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 08:27 AM

Paid over the top you say? It's all subjective really. You can pay over the top for a car when there are tens, if not hundreds, around to use as a bench mark for pricing. When there's not it's difficult, at the end of the day it's worth what someone will pay and if you're not buying for profit then it's not an issue. Once again I'm jealous, I've got a real soft spot for these little oddities.


Look after it.

Edited by humph, 13 June 2017 - 08:28 AM.

#25 Itsaminithing


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 09:54 AM

....I paid £1200 for Marmite on ebay....


I thought i remember TPE838S last selling on eBay for around £795? I assumed that was when you bought it.

£1200 (or £1800 for a tax exempt version) is more than i would want to pay -but i'm tight with money :rolleyes:

People have paid £1200-£1800 for a standard Mini only to find out they've bought a botched rust bucket, rust won't be too much of a problem for you guys.


I'm sure this was also TPE http://www.ebay.co.u...=p2047675.l2557

Listed as a White 1978 sold to an ex-TMF member in Fareham  http://www.theminifo...ini-minus-maxi/


Anyone know what happened to this red Minus Maxi?


Stripped of all it's bits to make a monster truck & then tried to sell it when he realised how rare they are!


#26 mini-mad-mark


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 11:31 AM

I am guessing the 795 was when it was sold it to the person I bought it off  (I saw it that time but wasn't in a position to buy then - damn, 400 quid down the drain!) and the previous time was when they bought it I suppose


It was on for 1500 but I offered 1200 which was accepted (second/third listing I forget) which I thought was fair for a running (!?) driving, long MoT mini(based kit car) that was somewhat more unusual and rare than most other minis or mini based kit cars (sure there are some exceptions to that statement before everyone starts hitting me with "I've got a such and such which is the only one registered/left on the road")


However if people do have something especially rare or ugly(unusual I like to call it) then I would be happy to see the posts

#27 mini-mad-mark


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 11:33 AM

and I will be tax exempt by the time I hit the road :D

#28 chadd123


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 10:46 PM

Iam very happy with the price i paid,i wanted to buy marmite aswell but didnt have the cash,so i had to buy this when it came along.
it gets delivered tomorrow so i will no more then

#29 DomCr250


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Posted 14 June 2017 - 07:56 AM

Both these look like great little projects.  Interesting pictures of the floor?  I assume they just took the mould directly off a Van / Estate floor because it looks just like the steel version?  That is much better than the Marcos's which was just flat and flexed loads as you moved in the seat.


Love the tow bar, all mins need a tow bar.

#30 chadd123


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Posted 14 June 2017 - 09:15 PM

Well shes arrived

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