A big update! cams timed in (I hope)
So after tapping the head for the oil feed and flushing it out, I was able to refit the cams. While I was at it I set the lift.
I tired following the SC guide but that method just was not gonna work. They state:
- To set the engine to TDC on piston one.
- set the cam lobes on the inlet and outlet so it just before any lift on piston one. This in essence sets the lobs on the inlet and the outlet pointing inwards.
- loosen the vernier pulley bolts.
- Add the belt, making sure that there will be enough movement in the vernier pulleys (I.e the bolt is in the middle of the slot)
- tension the belt (making sure TDC doesn't move)
- Torque up the tensioner.
- Then set the lift on piston 1 to 2mm on both the inlet and outlet using a dial gauge which sits on the cam bucket and follows its movement. This step takes ages to set up the dial gauge.
I tried this method a number of times.
Now the problem I had with that method is that I ran out of movement in the vernier pulleys. Even when I repositioned the belt (retentioned etc) so I would have maximum movement in the verniers (meaning that the i made sure i had the full slot for movement, intend of setting it in the middle) I ran out of movement at around 1mm lift.
Instead i removed the belt and then set up the lift on the cams without the belt. Added the belt and set the tensioner making sure the cams didn't move. making sure the vernier were in the middle of the slot and then tightened these up.
Has anyone managed to use the method SC have in their build guide?
This is the position of the cams at TDC after setting 2mm lift.