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Hesitation When Engine Is Cold

Best Answer AgentHubcap , 05 March 2017 - 07:33 PM

I know this is an old thread, but I *finally* figured out my issue.  When I bought the car, the thermostat was in the wrong spot.  It was in between the head and sandwich plate, not between the sandwich plate and the cap.  This lead to coolant only flowing to the heater and manifold when it was open.


I moved it to above the sandwich plate and my cold running issues completely gone.

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#61 AgentHubcap


    Stage One Kit Fitted

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Posted 05 March 2017 - 07:33 PM   Best Answer

I know this is an old thread, but I *finally* figured out my issue.  When I bought the car, the thermostat was in the wrong spot.  It was in between the head and sandwich plate, not between the sandwich plate and the cap.  This lead to coolant only flowing to the heater and manifold when it was open.


I moved it to above the sandwich plate and my cold running issues completely gone.

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