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Z Cars Update From Chris Allanson

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#46 minigbg


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 01:51 PM

Have anyone heard any news from the Zcars/Chris camp? Are there any investors out there?

Edited by minigbg, 01 December 2015 - 02:51 PM.

#47 Luigi33


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 03:59 PM

Lots of the assets were auctioned off today according to another thread

#48 RemKingston


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 05:03 PM

Picked up some bits today.  Felt cold seeing the prices things were going for :(

#49 jimmorris3


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 05:57 PM

Picked up some bits today.  Felt cold seeing the prices things were going for :(

What did you get?

#50 RemKingston


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 10:34 AM

I put a series of bids in across a range of lots to price bump more than anything but ended up with a lot of my low bids remaining the highest and winning bids.


2 TOYO Proxys

Mini A Series flip front converted subframe

A Water Boiler

Assorted Engine looms

Assorted Car batteries

Lightweight Mini Dashboard

Mamba Rally Seat

Jaguar XJR Interior and Running gear - no idea how complete...

Strong Arm Engine Lift

Various windscreens, bulk head panels and fibre glass bonnets

A Series Mini Front subframe

a set of drawers


All of the above came in cheaper than the exhaust system I had quoted in August :(


If anyone at ZCARS needs access to these items please get in touch, I am due to pick up tomorrow.

#51 adamsmith_25


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 01:16 AM

anyone see a honda race kit w/ front sub frame anywhere? supposed to be painted teal. I ordered a kit last June, paid in full over $20,000 CAD and was told it was made and packaged up and they were just waiting for a couple parts before they could ship, that was last month. then this past Friday Dec 4th 2015 I read online that z-cars is no more. I live in Canada and have no idea who to contact to find out where my kit is or even if they made my kit. or who to contact to get money back. Anyone with help would be greatly apprieciated.

#52 bengreen55


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 05:54 AM

I think you may struggle mate the name and number of the receiver is on this thread you are going to have to be quick I don't think there is any direct people from zcars you can contact Chris seems a decent bloke he has put his number on here try and get in touch with him he may be able to help but firstly get in touch with the receiver to try and make a claim good luck I hope you get your money back

#53 adamsmith_25


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:26 PM

thank you

#54 cptkirk


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Posted 09 December 2015 - 03:34 PM

I think this should go in here, update from Chris:


Ok guys just an update for you from the only person that really knows what's going on
The item on e bay is a load of steel and some small jigs
Some of them obsolete z cars autograss wishbone jigs etc
The auctioneer described them as he did and I would say he hasn't quite grasped what they were
The real jigs for the minis are substantial things built on heavy tables etc and are still here.
The stock has been purchased by two staunch z cars customers of very long standing
As you know elsewhere on the forum I'd posted that I was trying to find a buyer to carry the job on
They were an established kit car company and I had high hopes however it has come to nothing over the last few weeks

I have some heavy commitments myself over the next ten weeks and have to say I'm very rusty as to what exactly all the current parts are and where they have been sourced etc
Five years ago I knew every little thing and I need to get back up to speed.
The two customers who have bought the stock and myself are considering if we can pool resources and carry on
One of them is in the middle of setting up brand new premises with some state of the art gear
The other is heavily involved in engineering to a high standard
Having had my fingers burnt by the last attempt by someone to run z cars I don't want to pre judge where we may end up but currently we have a view to setting the job back up properly
Focussing on customer service as a priority
I've had a lot of encouragement from old and potentially new customers to carry on but just for the next few weeks it cannot happen because of both my commitments and one of the guys having to get his premises sorted

I would suggest that nothing firm will happen prior to Christmas
The good news is that the stock has fallen into two hands who are not in it to make a fast buck but are committed z cars fans who couldn't bear to see it go to waste.

I will keep you posted as soon as I know more about it
I don't want to run the job myself again as I have a life outside now but I would be there to guide the new guys so it carried on
We have discussed making some mods to the kits and upping the specs in various areas and this may well be an opportune time to do so.

The two QBA drive box hay bursa kits that went in the auction were just bare frames no wishbones drive shafts etc etc so are the bare minimum kit
Anyone wanting to set up building replicas would face an uphill struggle to finish the kits fully.

The fat lady hasn't started to sing yet so give it a few weeks and see what happens

There have been several approaches made to me this week about carrying it on and it remains to be seen if it can be done to a standard I'd be happy with


#55 paul190181


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 08:47 PM

Really hope this can be resolved I've got a started project with a rear frame and need all the associated parts was planning on ordering .

#56 minitoadhall


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 07:52 PM

It's all gone very quite on the zcars\ chris allanson front anybody heard anything or is the business confined tae the history books? Would appreciate any info. Thanks a lot.  

#57 KTM kid

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Posted 22 January 2016 - 11:57 PM

Think its down to us to keep the Zcars on the road!!

#58 Goacher65


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Posted 22 February 2016 - 10:38 PM

Have just sat and read through the whole of this.


To all of the people who have been on here giving Chris seven shades of s#*t about the service they have (or haven't) received when he is trying to be as helpful as he can to resolve any problems, you are probably going the right way for there never to be any ongoing support for their products at all. If anyone is likely to get the company up and running again, its likely to be him. If he choses to (which he doesn't have to), sort your problems, what have you got against the bloke?!


If you own a house, and had tenants living in the house (renting), Mr Jones for example. He runs up a massive Gas/Water/Electricity bill and then leaves, there is an outstanding debt. The owner of the house has nothing to do with this debt, regardless of whether he chooses to move back into his house or not. The debt is between Mr Jones and the Gas/Electricity/Water board. If the invoice has Z Cars Performance Ltd. at the top, then that's who your debt is with, not Chris Allanson, or Z cars.


I notice Chris hasn't said anything for a while, I know he did say he was going to be otherwise occupied for the next 10 weeks or so when he last replied (beginning of December). Hopefully you haven't destroyed any chance of him resurrecting this company. If you have, then congratulations, you've ruined someones lifetime of work and development in a British bespoke business, which is clearly focused on trying to deliver the highest level or product and customer service. Not to mention an excellent toy for all us interested Men (and Women!) who enjoy going places.... fast.

Edited by Goacher65, 22 February 2016 - 10:39 PM.

#59 cptkirk


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 08:07 AM

Have just sat and read through the whole of this.


To all of the people who have been on here giving Chris seven shades of s#*t about the service they have (or haven't) received when he is trying to be as helpful as he can to resolve any problems, you are probably going the right way for there never to be any ongoing support for their products at all. If anyone is likely to get the company up and running again, its likely to be him. If he choses to (which he doesn't have to), sort your problems, what have you got against the bloke?!


If you own a house, and had tenants living in the house (renting), Mr Jones for example. He runs up a massive Gas/Water/Electricity bill and then leaves, there is an outstanding debt. The owner of the house has nothing to do with this debt, regardless of whether he chooses to move back into his house or not. The debt is between Mr Jones and the Gas/Electricity/Water board. If the invoice has Z Cars Performance Ltd. at the top, then that's who your debt is with, not Chris Allanson, or Z cars.


I notice Chris hasn't said anything for a while, I know he did say he was going to be otherwise occupied for the next 10 weeks or so when he last replied (beginning of December). Hopefully you haven't destroyed any chance of him resurrecting this company. If you have, then congratulations, you've ruined someones lifetime of work and development in a British bespoke business, which is clearly focused on trying to deliver the highest level or product and customer service. Not to mention an excellent toy for all us interested Men (and Women!) who enjoy going places.... fast.



Suggest you read this: http://www.theminifo...ners/?p=3358366

#60 Mini 360

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Posted 23 February 2016 - 08:59 AM


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